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You Are Not Making The Money You Want Are You? - Articles Surfing

NB: These are my views on the subject and as such are not scientifically proven.

As you read compare what I am saying to what is going on in your life. You May be surprised. First of all did you fall for the old line that a particular offer is so good you best not miss out, so in your thirst to make money you joined up. A few days go by and then the old familiar emails start to arrive, so and so has joined your team, so there is now money waiting for you. Ha-ha that's a joke. JUST TRY AND GET THAT MONEY. First you will have to upgrade to the premium level and that will cost you money. I am sure you agree with me so far.

Take a look at what you have joined, is there any products at the end of the line to sell. Nine times out off ten you find there are not, where does the so called money come from? you certainly are not going to see any of it. IF you are one of the top guys and have been lucky to get your hands on some money, it will be because you have lied your way there. The lies you tell are not yours, you really believe in what you are doing, but these lies have been told to you in such a way as to be totally believable.

The internet is weighed down with tons of this rubbish, everyone trying to make a buck, BUT they are all doing it dishonestly and telling prospective clients, down-liners or whatever your organization calls them, this is the greatest thing to hit the internet. Lies, lies, lies. The world is full of people doing whatever they see fit to gain money, whatever way they can. I will also be first to admit that there are lots of legitimate businesses out there. They all, and I mean all have products to sell, albeit some not so good and a lot are top notch products.

When you join a money making scheme it most likely will be in the Multi level marketing field (MLM). So just what is MLM all about? Practically everyone will say money, but I believe this is wrong; it is about people because without people you do not have a business at all. However this is where the whole thing goes to pot, what is the person called you signed you up? Most times he is called your sponsor and as such it is his duty to help and encourage you, so you can be successful. Tell me, can you tell me who your sponsor is? Do you ever communicate with him/her? Are they there when you have troubles of one sort or another? I think you will find they are just a name and nothing more.

From time to time there have been the very successful companies, selling top quality products, but also building a big organization of people. What do they have that the internet companies don't normally have, If you said a good relationship with everybody concerned in the company, you would be correct. Can you see where I am coming from?

Do you know what the percentage of people is that join a company and stay till the bitter end, some companies will tell you they have a 95% retainer rate. That is once again Lies; studies have shown that the percentage rate is a great deal lower than that 7-8% that's all. Why? Why is it so low? The answer is simply this, no support from those in the company who should know better. This is what happens, you join up full of great ideas and plans for all the money you are going to make. You are so excited you rush off and tell others, but who do you tell first? Yes nine times out of ten you approach your friends and relatives. However you don't seem to give off the right sort of excitement to them. They will tell you no, your whole world falls apart.

Why did they say no? When you suddenly push with all your might towards being rich or being better off, the knocker will always have a good reason why it is a silly idea. Strangely enough they seem to know you better than you know yourself, they can give you thousands of reason why they said no, and if you had any sense at all you would quit while you are ahead.

Now I am not knocking the genuine companies, they may well have a great product and all the support you need to build a large and successful business. What really eats me is the liars and scam artists that seem to be so prolific on the internet. Is it because the internet is such a big place they think they can get away with anything they try, sadly this true for a great many people. You may be thinking at this stage that your life is over, you have thrown so much money in a big hole called the internet, your credit card may be maxed out and your check book is no longer useable. Let me assure you, the whole world is your oyster and you can be a success at whatever you do from here on in.

If people would think of others before themselves it would be a much better place to live. I believe that if you want anything in life it can be yours. If it's in MLM then go for it with a passion, but first think of the other people below you, spend your time with them. Do it often and the magic ingredient must be passion. We have all heard the old saying 'Everyday in every way I getting better and better' affirmation like this are very good, BUT without passion they are just words.

The thing that I hate just as much as the internet scams and so called money for nothing schemes, are the blatant lies you see all over the internet. When is comes to money people seem to turn into greedy mutant beasts out to devour you if at all possible. I believe if you are watchful enough and don't be so money driven we will all see these scams for what they are.

You only have to look at all the junk mail you get in your email box; people are desperate to make that extra dollar, they never stop to think about the other person. All they can see is a possible dollar or two coming there way. When the internet first began life, email was a wonderful way to communicate. But now we are almost too scared to pick up the mail, junk mail has ruined a perfectly good system of communication. The internet has gone from a great place to surf and find all sorts of information, to a place where one would sooner not be anymore. Pop up windows, pop under windows, robots that scow the internet for email addresses, nothing is private anymore.

Don't get me wrong I love the internet and I intend to make money out of it, but not at the cost of human grief. I will not hurt anybody in my pursuit of a few extra dollars. I write e-books and software, some I give away like this report, and some I sell. I am very careful where I tread when walking in the grounds of the internet. If I have brought doubts to your mind then I have done a good thing if it saves you from throwing good money after bad. Please bear in mind that these are only my thoughts and not scientifically proven. Just be aware of the scams and so called money for nothing opportunities. One place was even offering to build the business for me, no work on my behalf, What a joke.

Submitted by:

Anthony Hosking




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