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Article Surfing Archive8 Tips To Protect Your Children's Eyes - Articles SurfingModern living is imbalanced and parents need to make extra efforts to protect the eyes of their children. Most children spend 3-5 hours a day staring at a computer screen, either surfing the internet or gaming. Children watch movies, play video games, watch hours of uninterrupted television and hardly ever go out doors or give their eyes a chance to focus on distant objects. In fact doctors who treat children are finding an alarming increase in eye sight weakness and other ophthalmic problems like red eyes, irritations, and so on. There is a new problem, computer vision syndrome and 25-30% of children need corrective eye wear before they are even six years old. Protect the eye sight of your kids; consider some of the following tips: 1. Always place things like televisions and computers at appropriate distances. Surf the World Wide Web for recommendations by experts. 2. Ensure that the child has a comprehensive eye exam every year the exam should include near-point and distance testing. 3. Teach the child the importance of splashing clean water on the eyes. This will removes any dust or bacteria. 4. Use soaps that are not harmful to the eyes. 5. Never allow children to use sunglasses or magnifying glasses that are not of good quality. Any eye wear or use must be optically safe. 6. If the child is going to be traveling or out in the sun for long hours, it is best he or she wears a cap that shields the eyes or wears sunglasses. The sunglasses must be bought from reliable manufacturers. Check the internet for high quality sunglasses at low prices. Before you buy a pair for a child check with the doctor whether the glasses should be prescription or non prescription. 7. Ensure that the child does not spend the whole day viewing close objects . Take the child for a drive, to the park, or beach. Teach the child the joys of watching birds fly, clouds float in the sky and so on. It will naturally exercise the child's eyes. 8. Restrict television viewing and computer time to a minimal. Encourage the child to enjoy outdoor activities. Hand held computer games to strain the eye. It is our duty to bring up kids in the healthiest way possible. Include in the child's diet vegetables, fruits, and fish; things that protect the eyes and prevent wear and tear. Read up on foods that are beneficial to ophthalmic health and are rich in vitamins A and C and beta carotenes. When buying children eye wear ensure that you buy only 'top' quality glasses.
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