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Article Surfing ArchiveA Brief Primer For First Time Dads - Articles SurfingSo you fixed the baby's room, decorated it with cool baby stuffs, assembled the crib, bought a baby mobile and packed enough photo and video equipment to document the arrival of the little angel in you and your wife's life. But then first time dads will often wonder, what would I do if the baby is really now coming home? Will you be willing to pick up the baby when he cries? Changed his diaper when it's soaked? I guess the said task are no longer a choice of whether you will do it or not but rather it is now a tasked incorporated in your title as the head of the family and being the partner of your wife. In order that first time daddies would not be lost in translation and in the oblivion of how to's let me share some few pointer in taking care of that little angel. First of all, it will all begin with the search and meeting the baby's pediatrician. Such task should be done even before the baby is born so that you can start establishing a good relationship with the pediatrician. Through thorough consultations, identifying high risk situations in your wife's pregnancy will be known and thus, it will be easier for the first time fathers to handle the situation. Secondly, during the birth of your angel, do not fret over uneven color spots on the skin, the funny looking head with soft spots and the puffy eyes. They are all normal. There is no need to be alarmed inasmuch as the baby will soon transformed into that perfect angel looking kid that you and your partner dreamed of. Thirdly, first time daddies should remember that picking up baby is not a hard thing to do. One of my friends told me that her husband never picks up the baby because her husband is too scared that he may broke the baby's neck or bones. Holding the baby is like holding a sack of potato. You just have to make sure that the baby's head and neck are supported. In that way no breaking of the bones, necks or other parts of the body is done. There is one more important thing, never shake the baby. That's it, easy. Fourth, the biggest dilemma of all: the choice of whether you will use cloth or disposable diapers. Well the answer is really up to you, but when counting costs, you may also consider the water and the soap that you will need to wash those clothes. Expert says that the best choice is to choose both, combine and alternate using disposable and cloth diapers to let the baby's bottom breathe after being covered with an elastic material for hours. Diaper rash however may be seen if the baby's sensitive skin is constantly soaked with wetness from his urine and dirt from the baby's stool, adding more is the heat from the diaper. Thus, in order to prevent diaper rash, a father who is in charge has to clean the area very well with mild soap and water and drying them up first before changing the diaper. Anti-diaper rash cream may also be used. Remember that these are the most common dilemmas in fatherhood when it comes to taking care of his new born child. Expect a lot more though. But never fret and take each day at a time. Consider them as happy activities, activities that will surely help you and your partner in life grow together.
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