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Are You a Super (Stressed) Mom? How to Gauge and Relax Through Your Kids' Book Display - Articles Surfing

You see all these mothers being supermoms. They have kids who excel in academics and in extracurricular activities, and judging from their kids' book display, they are rearing Einsteins. They know how to cook, bake, sew, garden, and decorate. They keep immaculate houses. And to top it all off, they look so put together!

And here you are. Your children are average kids and, judging from your kids' book display, are not bookworms. Your house is not always in presentable condition and you seriously need a makeover. In your estimation, you are a failure.

Or, so you think. But you might be wrong!

The Supermom Syndrome

You want to be everything and do everything for your children. You want to be there when they wake up and you want to be there to tuck them into bed, reading them books from their well-stocked kids' book display. You are driver and chaperone, cheerleader and tutor, cook and nanny, secretary and chief of staff.

When you slacken on your duties even for a day, you feel like you shortchanged your children. In a sense, you become obsessive-compulsive about being an all-around mom.

Can you be a Supermom?

Well, you can, if you can clone yourself! Then you could assign each clone to perform specific activities - nanny, housekeeper, driver, tutor, and gardener. You can even assign one to constantly update the contents of your kids' book display, and read all the books to your children while you spend quality time with your husband!

But since you do not have clones, you have to settle for just one person juggling all these responsibilities. Why not settle for being just mom?

Being Mom

Being a mother is simply doing what you believe is best for your children. Your children are unique individuals with unique needs. And so are you!

Stop comparing yourself to the people you consider supermoms. Always remember that there will always be mothers who are greater and lesser than you are; this means that you will always either suffer in comparison, or other moms will suffer in comparison to you. Either way, you will not be satisfied with who you are!

Always try to emphasize your individuality, even in something as simple as the books you read to your children. Indeed, you do not buy books for your kids' book display just because Mrs. Supermom had those books, too! You need to look into yourself if you are purchasing books just to keep up with the Joneses, or because you believe your purchases will be good for your kids.

Never Lose Yourself

Whenever you feel swamped with your mommy responsibilities, try to reconnect with your core being. Just as a happy home rests on a happy marriage, happy children rest on a happy mom.

Pamper yourself, engage in activities you enjoyed before becoming mommy, spend time with your friends, and most importantly, put your marriage first. Remember that the children will have to understand that mommy and daddy needs their space, too.

If you have to banish them into their rooms to read through the contents of their kids' book display, then so be it!

If you know who and what you are aside from being mom, then you will have more confidence in being a beloved mother. And is it not what we all hope to be to our children?

Submitted by:

Rony Pollock

Being a great mom can be achieved through helping your kids get organized. Get them their very own kids' chairs and kids' toy box from RonJuneShop.com! And for your little geniuses, organize their books through the kids' book display .



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