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Baby Name Bracelet: The Perfect Gift For A Newborn Baby - Articles Surfing

It happens all the time: someone close to you, a friend, a family member, a close colleague, has a baby and you have no idea what to give them. You feel guilty, you fish around for the usual clich'd presents: the booties, the mobiles, the picture books. You yawn and wish there was something you could give that would show how truly happy you are for the parents of that bundle of joy, and this is where a baby name bracelet can help you end that tedious search.

Once you've found out what the happy parent (or parents) have planned to name their newborn babe (or babies), a personalized, handcrafted bracelet can be a thoughtful, generous gift. A bracelet adorned with the baby's name will live on long past the child's infancy, and can serve as a memorable keepsake for which to add to a parent's treasure chest of birth certificates, first teeth, and priceless photos. And the best part about a gift like this is that it can vary widely in price, depending on how much you want to spend, or how close you are to the parents in question. Whether or not you want to spend a nice sum on a gold fashioned bracelet, one engraved in sterling silver, or one festooned with pearls and other gems, the market will offer up a wide array of prices that will suit the gift giver any way they see fit.

The clasp of a is best fashioned with hearts, or boots, or other such charms which can make complete the gift you wish to give with an emblem significant to a young one's life. As a parent, what could be more precious than a gift which will live on as a commemoration of the birth of their loved child, long after that child has grown into adulthood. A further attraction given to many baby bracelets, is the inclusion of the child's birthstone within the circumference of the bracelet, which, along with the engraved name, personalize the gift that much more. With the beautiful gemstones of emerald, sapphire, amethyst, or ruby, added to blocks of engraved mother of pearl spelling out the child's name, you can create not only a personal and memorable gift, but a rather beautiful one at that.

You may even wish to create a beautiful differentiation through the blending of gold and silver designs, or the interlacing of different gems within the bracelet's pattern to create a truly unique and aesthetically pleasing gift which will delight the family who receives it for years to come. You can allow yourself to be creative, or let one the various dealers of these gifts to be creative for you, and in either case, achieve something unique and special at reasonable cost and effort. Add a charm or two of a Christian cross, or the Chinese symbol for longevity, or some other icon symbolic of the newborn in question you wish to express, and you've already added to the complexity and meaning of what at first seemed a simple and straightforward gift. As ever, it truly is the thought that counts when it comes to gift giving, and a child bracelet is one of the easiest and most touching ways to show a family just how happy you are about their newest addition.

Submitted by:

Christopher M. Luck

If you are interested in more information on baby name bracelets, or would like to read more articles like the one above, feel free to go to my baby bracelet blog.



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