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Article Surfing ArchiveBaby Shower Gifts - Articles SurfingWelcoming the arrival of a new baby can be one of the most joyous occasions in a family's life as well as one of the most expensive. A gift that the new mother receives at her baby shower is one less item that she will have to purchase herself. There are many different products that you can purchase to help the family with their baby needs. Baby bath products are inexpensive items that you can give as a baby shower gift. These products can include baby shampoo, baby lotion, baby powder, and baby soap. When purchasing these items, you should make sure to read the label to ensure that the products are hypoallergenic. You can also include baby towels and wash cloths. These should be made of 100% cotton, as this material is more absorbent and softer on the baby's sensitive skin. You may want to include shower gifts that include items to help at the baby's meal times. These products can include baby dishes, baby utensils, a cereal feeder, and baby bottles (glass is recommended) and nipples. You should make sure to read the label to make sure that these dishes are microwavable as well as dishwasher safe. This will ensure that the new mother will get the most use out of these items. Clothes are another item that a baby will need plenty of. If the baby is not born yet, you may want to buy a larger size considering some newborns can never wear newborn-size clothes as they are too big at birth. Buying clothes that are labeled for babies up to six months will ensure that they will fit and the baby may get longer use out of the items. You might also want to choose clothes in neutral colors if you do not know the sex of the baby. You should check the label to see what fabrics the items are made out of. Again, 100% cotton is the best as it is softer and also because the baby may have an allergic reaction to some synthetic materials. Diapers are also a baby shower gift that will be much appreciated. To be on the safe side, you may want to purchase both disposable diapers and the cloth type if you are not sure of the mother's preference. When purchasing the cloth diapers, some may require safety pins that you may want to include in your gift. Another item that may be needed with cloth diapers are rubber pants to wear over them. You may also include baby powder and baby wipes with your diapers. You should read the label to ensure that the wipes are hypoallergenic and also that they contain aloe, which will help the baby's bottom stay soft. Baby toys are also an option for a baby shower gift. Toys that are soft are the best for newborns, although toys that play music and have flashing lights can help develop a baby's senses. You can check the outside of the toy box to find what is appropriate for babies to help you choose. Any of these items would be appreciated as a baby shower gift. Again, any gift that the new family receives is something that they do not need to purchase later on themselves.
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