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Bed Wetting - Articles Surfing

We as parents wonder if our child wetting the bed at the age of three years is normal, so off to the doctors we go.

Most doctors will tell you not to worry so much, that even by the age of five there are still 10 percent of children wetting their beds, even if your friend's children are all dry through-out the night.

The average age of dryness is around 33 months, even after the age of five children wet their beds.

About 15 percent of children after the age of five is cured each year right through until it becomes a rarity in the Teen years.

By the time our children are five and still wetting through the night, we find comfort in knowing our child is not the only one at this age still wetting through the night.

From a study done in the past there was strong evidence that almost 70 percent of bed-wetting had a parent or sibling with similar problems due to genetics.

Boys are the ones more likely to be the bed wetter, where as the older child, who wets through the day seems to be almost completely confined to girls.

A lot of doctors get somewhat worked up upon hearing of a child who regresses back to bed-wetting. They believe the regression would be caused by an infection or emotional trauma.

Although an infection can cause weakness with the wetting problem, there is usually pain or urgency associated with the evidence.

As for the emotional trauma, there is a large relation to this also being a triggering factor.

Treatment For Bed Wetting'

The best time to start training children for nighttime is when you get a few nappies that have survived the whole night unscathed.

It is best to wait until the warmer weather, when children are warm and in a warm bed they excrete fluid through sweating, but when this is reversed as in the colder weather the child in the cold bed won't sweat and ends up with a full bladder. The out come of this is a wet bed and a bad start to the day.

Once the warm weather is here and the nappy is gone, all that's required is a good quality waterproof mattress liner, some good encouragement and if need be a little more patience.

Pediatricians are taught that stopping a child's fluids early in the night is going to do very little to nothing to prevent a wet bed.

Others believe to minimize the intake of fluids or at least being aware and control the amount from six pm onwards, for this allows any excess fluid to be excreted through urination before bedtime.

Less fluid assists with a smaller amount in the bladder for over night, also taking the child to the toilet before you retire for the night helps creates a routine for, wake up, its toilet time, providing its not too upsetting for the child.

When our child has a dry bed we need to give him all the positive encouragement possible. If it's a wet bed, make him aware you are not as happy with a wet bed as a dry one; don't punish your child as it will only lead to more wet mornings due to nerves.

By the age of three and a half children should be going to bed without the aid of a nappy regardless of being wet or dry.

This will depend on the child a lot, not to mention the parent's ability to cope with the amount of wet sheets and pyjamas. Once you have decided no more nappies, there's no turning back. Now all you can do is wait and hope nature takes over pretty quick.

There are some special medications available that tend to only work in the short term. If a child is still bed wetting at the age of five a urine alarm system is another option, it has been said it has helped over 2/3's of children.

Submitted by:

Theresea Hughes

Contributed by Theresea Hughes, creator of http://free-toddlers-activity-and-discipline-guide.com a site dedicated to providing parenting resource articles for toddlers activity & child discipline with positive parenting tips, free kids games, recipes, arts & crafts.



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