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Article Surfing ArchiveBenefits Of Authoritative Parenting - Articles SurfingAuthoritative parenting is a combination of love and limits. Parents set the standard and expect a certain level of achievement, good behavior and responsibility from their children. They also nurture their children, demonstrate affection and support, and are open to discussion on any of their expectations. Authoritative parents are assertive and in firm control but they are not intrusive or restrictive. They set clear standards for their children's conduct and monitor it. Parents expect high academic achievement, good behavior and obedience of parental rules. Along with this however, they are open to communication with their children and there is a fair amount of give and take in their expectations. There is no rigidity in the parents' attitude and instead of meting out harsh punishment they discipline their children in a supportive manner with negotiation. Children are free to question their parents' decisions and parents are open to explaining these to the kids. Parents prefer to solve a conflict by negotiation and agreement rather than using their parental authority. Authoritative parenting may mean that the parents have a lot of behavior control, but there is no psychological control. They do not use methods of emotional blackmail, withdrawal of love, bringing in feelings of guilt or other negative tactics with their children. They believe in nurturing their children and in open communication but do exercise firm control. The children do have niches of liberty in certain non-critical areas but broad guidelines are firmly in place. Parents are wholly involved in their children's activities, and are always aware of what is happening in their children's lives. There may be a high degree of parental involvement in the children's lives but it is with psychological independence. Authoritative parenting is based on trust, acceptance and independence, and parents are aware of, supportive, and acquiescent to their children's needs. This helps to foster individuality, self-regulation, and self-assertion in children. The benefits of authoritative parenting are obvious from pre-school age, on through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. These children rarely have behavior problems in school or outside at all developmental stages. They do well on a variety of measures of competence, social development, self-perceptions, and mental health. Authoritative parenting makes children self-disciplined, assertive and socially responsible. They are open and communicative with their parents. They may question and want to discuss their parents' instructions but are cooperative. Authoritative parenting ensures that children grow up into competent individuals with a high sense of self-esteem. They have good social skills and are confident in most environments. Even as young adults they show high academic achievement and psychosocial development with few behavioral problems. If you are a Brahmin parent looking for brahmin brides or grooms please check the url http://www.brahminsmatrimony.com
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