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Better Parenting . 10 Tips To Improve Family Life - Articles Surfing

Parenting is not something you learn at school or get a degree in from University. It's something that you have to learn as you go along. You may think you have got a handle on things once you have raised your first child and then along comes your second one who responds in a completely different manner and you have learn different ways of training this one. People will give you all sorts of advice as proceed along the journey of parenting and it's not always easy to know which person to listen to.

Here are the 10 things that parents should every day that will make a positive impact on family life if implemented. They do work.

1. Remember to tell your son or daughter you love them and don't stop ' even when they so tall that they can look down on you. This can be hard when your child has been really trying your patience all day but say it anyway because although you may not like his behavior you do love him.

2. Speak other words of affirmation to your child each day and as soon as he is old enough encourage him to speak these out to himself. This will help you raise a more positive child. An affirmation is 'something declared to true; a positive statement' Follow the link below to my website where you will find some suggestions as what these affirmations should be.

3. Encourage your child's independence. It is better to tell him that he can do something (even if it's when he is older) rather than saying 'you can't do that.' Children can often do things for themselves at a much younger age than parents realize.It can often appear quicker to do things for your child but instead leave enough time so that he can become more independent and feel more confident because he is doing things for himself.

4. Spend time listening and talking to each child individually, this is the greatest investment you can make in your child's life. It's the best way to show them that you love them. Do it even if he's not behaving like a little angel.

5. Always give your child positive instructions. Tell you child what you want him to do, not what you don't want him to do. This has a more positive effect and can get the desired results much quicker. If you don't like your child leaving his clothes on the floor then tell him what you want him to do 'Please hang your clothes up' instead of saying 'Don't leave your clothes on the floor'.

6. Give yourself the space to make mistakes you will never be the perfect parent they don't really exist. You will make mistakes, don't worry, forgive yourself and learn what you can from the experience and remember to keep things in perspective. This will help you stay sane and keep your stress levels down.

7. Do at least one fun or relaxing thing every day for yourself, it helps you to stay sane and give you a more enjoyable day. You are important as an individual person and not just a parent. New mothers in particular remember to take every opportunity to rest and you will feel more able to cope with the demands of your baby or toddler much better. The jobs will always be there for tomorrow.

8. Each day set up situations that will allow your child to make choices, this will helps him develop independence and can save you both many arguments. Children as young as 18 months can be given an opportunity to choose even if it's only the choice between two toys, or what to ride on in the park.

9. Keep your boundaries and discipline strategies consistent even when you're tired. A quick fix today will often lead to more problems in the future. Being inconsistent is one of greatest enemies any parent can entertain.

10. Keep in mind that your child will learn more by example than by what you say so set your child the best examples possible in everything.

It doesn't matter what age your children are this advice is for you. Do these things every day and see how they can change things for you.

Submitted by:

Maureen Lawrence

Maureen Lawrence a professional qualified English Nanny and Parenting Expert with over 25 years of experience of working with parents and children. She works with families & produces products that enhance parent's lives. Get your free information http://www.advice4parents.com



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