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Article Surfing ArchiveBreastfeed Or Bottle-Feed? - Articles SurfingThis is a question all new mothers are faced with as their due date nears. Whichever choice you make either to breastfeed or bottle-feed be sure to stick with it. It's not a good choice to try to breastfeed and bottle-feed at the same time. The mother's nipple and the bottles nipple is very different shape, the baby will find it easier to suck on the bottle nipples and may cause problems when trying to suck from its mother's nipple. This can cause the baby not to get enough to eat when breastfeeding. Be sure to take your baby in for regular check-ups, your pediatrician will be able to tell you if the baby is gaining weight and getting the proper nutrition it needs. It is also reassuring to know just how your baby is doing and allows the mother a chance to ask their pediatricians any questions they may have. Nutritionally, breast milk is the best, it has not been duplicated exactly yet and probably will never be. It provides nutrients that help in baby's brain development. Breast milk will protect the baby from illnesses, as long as they are breastfeeding they are protected by a much more developed immune system than their own, moms. Babies tolerate breast milk more than formula milk, it rarely cause gastric problems and are less likely to be over weight. Here is a short list of something's that can affect a mother's milk supply: 1. What the mother eats Formulas have come a long way and are packed with nutrients. If Bottle-feeding is your choice you will find a wide range of formulas to choose from. It has been said that breastfed babies form a special bond with their mothers. I'm sure that a bottle fed baby forms just as strong bond with its mother while being held in her loving arms close to her body, hearing her familiar heart beat while feeding. Breastfeed or bottle-feed it all boils down to what is best for you and your baby. Whichever way you choose a mothers love is the same, constant and true. Enjoy every moment!
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