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Childbirth: Preparing For The Unexpected - Articles Surfing

Each year a large number of women give birth. Many of those women have been through the process before, but many are first time mothers. Whether or not you are a first time mother, it is advised that you prepare for the unexpected. The unexpected, when it comes to childbirth, is a quick birth that may result without the presence of a healthcare professional.

The first step in preparing for the unexpected is to realize that the unexpected could occur. Unfortunately, there are too many expectant mothers who rely on the assistance of a healthcare professional. While in most cases, a healthcare professional will be present for the birth of your child, it is not guaranteed. For that reason, you may want to make sure that you and those around you are prepared. This preparation often requires little or no effort and it can be done in as little as a few hours.

Most birthing center rooms are well cleaned. This cleanliness is important to the health of both you and your baby. Whether your baby is born in your home or in your vehicle, it is advised that the conditions be as clean as possible. For this reason, it is recommended that you have soap, water, and gloves on hand. Pillows, towels, and blankets are also recommended. While most of these supplies can already be found in your home, it is advised that you also carry them with you in your vehicle. Should you go into labor in your vehicle or at another location, you should have these important items on hand, otherwise they may be unavailable.

It may also be a good idea to purchase a number of books and other resources on at-home child births. For an affordable price, these materials can be purchased from most traditional book stores or online. Many of these resource guides could offer you and those around you assistance, especially if you are left alone with young children or those who are unfamiliar with the birthing process. Depending on the type of resources you obtain, you should be able to find detailed pictures of the birthing process as well as step by step delivery instructions.

In addition to the above mentioned preparation steps and tips, it may also be a wide idea to enroll in a birthing class. Most hospitals and Ob-Gyn offices host birthing classes. Many of these classes are available for free or a small fee and most are held at convenient times. Although most child birthing classes are designed to prepare you for delivery with a healthcare professional, you may find the teachings valuable, especially if your baby comes sooner than expected.

Many mothers, once early childbirth begins, are automatically aware of the fact that they will be unable to make it the hospital or to their pre-assigned birthing center. If this is the case, it is still advised that you call for assistance. Although your intended delivery doctor may be unable to make it, it is likely that you will receive assistance from emergency workers. In the event that those emergency workers make it in time, they may also be able to assist in the delivery process. If they arrive after the birth, it is still advised that you and you newborn be transported to the hospital by the responding emergency workers.

As previously mentioned, there is a good chance that your baby will be delivered under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional; however, it is advised that you still take the above mentioned precautionary measures. These measures are important, especially if you and your child are at risk for a quick delivery. These risks may include previous instances of premature labor and the rapid delivery of a previous child.

Submitted by:

Amy Thomas

More information on childbirth can be found on our site. We have many health topics including childbirth education information



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