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Article Surfing ArchiveChildhood Cancer, Asthma, And Allergies - Are Chemicals To Blame? - Articles SurfingInfectious diseases like polio and smallpox are virtually unheard of these days. However, cancer, asthma, and life-threatening allergies are on the rise in children. In fact, cancer is the number one cause of disease-related deaths in children, according to the American Cancer Society. As well, asthma rates have more than doubled in the last twenty years. When I think back to my school years, I can only remember two children who had asthma or allergies. At that time, peanut butter sandwiches were allowed in school. As well, no one knew what anaphylaxis was or what an Epipen was! I also never knew a child who was diagnosed with cancer. However, I cannot say the same thing about children growing up today. At my daughter's birthday party last year, two of the eight children who attended had severe food allergies. I also personally know people whose children have battled cancer. Some have won; others were not so lucky. So what is going on? Well, in the last fifty years, a minimum of 70,000 synthetic chemicals have reportedly been created. These chemicals are being used in our food and everyday consumer products that we buy. What is most frightening is that the majority of these chemicals have not been tested for their effects on humans. And now, there is more and more literature that is showing that their overuse is disrupting our bodies' natural defense systems. Many people believe that manufacturers would not sell unsafe products to consumers. Well think again. You may be suffering from aches and pains that are related to chemical sensitivities, but do not even know it. Formaldehyde is one of the most common, of many, chemicals found in our everyday household products! As defined in the 17th edition of Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, formaldehyde "is used as a preservative," and "has been shown to be carcinogenic in certain animals and is possibly a carcinogen in man." So what are we waiting for? Are we going to wait for the government to step in and protect our children? Think of how long we were exposed to cigarette smoke before it was finally recognized that second-hand smoke could cause cancer. By recognizing that chemicals are causing many serious childhood illnesses, we can begin to control what our children are exposed to in everyday life.
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