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Article Surfing ArchiveFun Kids Games - Any Day's A Great Day For Fun Kids Games! - Articles SurfingAny day's a great day for fun kids games! Rain, shine, or any season is a perfect time to play games. Has it been awhile since you thought about fun kids games? Here's a short list to jog your memory . . . Do you remember "Duck, Duck, Goose"? It's terrific fun, and can be played outdoors or in. And believe it or not, it's fun for any age! Here's how it's played: Have the children all sit down in a circle (make a smaller circle for the little tykes). One person is "It," and he or she walks around the outside of the circle, touching the other children's heads saying "duck, duck, duck." When he comes to the person whom he wants to chase him, he calls "goose." The goose chases the "it" person around the circle, and the one who reaches the empty space first sits down. The other one is now "It"! Add a few twists to the "Duck, Duck, Goose" game and you have another of the most fun children games called Indy 500: Have the kids sit in the circle (on the floor, or in chairs) and give each a number and name of a car (example: 1's are Ferraris, 2's are Fords). The game leader calls out a car name, and those cars have to get up and run around the circle. The first person back to their spot wins . . . BUT, the cars can have "mechanical difficulties", as their leader chooses. The leader might choose to holler "run out of gas!" or "flat tire!" or "no muffler!" or "turbo boost!" The person has to act/sound out those commands in their attempt to get back to their seat! Of course, Hide and Seek is always a favorite, and for a sitting game, Old Maid is fun for parents, too! Think back about the games you played, or thumb through some magazines. You'll get excited to share ideas with your kiddos! Laughter is wonderful medicine, and fun kids' games are sure to invoke plenty of good times, whether there are two or twenty participants!
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