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Help For Parents: Get Parenting Advice For Less - Articles Surfing

Every parent knows the feeling. You bring your baby home and the first thing you wish you had was an instruction manual'and a way to get away from everyone offering advice. Advice comes at you from every angle, but often nothing beats a book. Where would any mother be without 'What to Expect When You're Expecting'? In a book, you can easily know whether you need to just give your child a kiss to make the boo-boo better, or if you need to rush him to the hospital. There are thousands of parenting books out there, and everyone has their favorite.

With the thousands and thousands of parenting books currently on the market, not many people have the money to purchase each and every book. The costs of printing the books rises, and also raises the costs of the books themselves. However, there are many places where you can find parenting information for cheap or even free, without having to call Grandma.

Finding Bargains Online

Online bookstores are a wonderful place to find the right parenting books, especially if you are looking for a specific topic. Online bookstores offer extensive catalogues of out-of-print or other hard-to-find books. These online bookstores often can also offer the lowest prices because of their sales volume. Other websites offer no shipping costs or 'club' deals to again cut prices and save on shipping.

You can also find free parenting books to download online. Free e-books can be found through parenting organization Web sites. If you own a PDA or laptop, you can read the e-books anywhere.

Another Person's Trash can be Your Treasure

Yard sales and flea markets can be a treasure trove if you want to find help for parents. Most people sell used paperback books for under a dollar. Goodwill and Salvation Army stores also usually have books for sale cheap. At flea markets you can often buy a whole box of books for a very small price. If you find a lot parenting books at a single booth, you might be able to bargain with the owner to sell them all to you at a bulk price. That's the fun of flea markets and yard sales ' no price is ever final.

Also, friends and relatives are great resources for finding a good parenting book or two. If they are parents, they know what worked for them and which books offered the best information. A raid on a friend's bookcase might turn up a parenting book she might be willing to loan you.

Getting a Deal at Bookstores

There are also many ways to find bargains at the traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores. Several national chains offer frequent buyer cards, which can offer a percentage off every book, or a free book after a certain number of books purchased. Other bookstores also offer e-mail newsletters that may contain coupons you can print at home to be used for any book. Book exchanges and used bookstores are also great places to find help for parents.

After the baby comes home, money can be tight, and getting the best deal becomes very important. But you can get a wealth of help for parents in a single book, and you can get that single book at a very low price if you just hunt for the best bargain.

Submitted by:

Jill Brennan

Parenting today is more demanding than ever before because we have higher expectations for our children and there are more demands on our time. For proven parenting tips and techniques for busy parents visit: http://www.practicalparentingtips.com



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