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Article Surfing ArchiveHow To Keep A Happy Baby. - Articles SurfingWhether you are expecting your first child or you are a veteran parent with years of experience raising kinds you have probably asked yourself the question 'how will I go about keeping my baby as happy and smiling as possible?' Well. I can't give you a definite answer to that question because there are probably as many different answers as there are babies in the world. Every single human is unique but we do still have some things in common that you can benefit from. Firstly you will have to provide your baby with the basic human needs. This includes the right amount and the right type of food, enough sleep, shelter etc. Without these basics you will have a hard time keeping your baby happy and you will probably experience more crying and screaming than you will see smiles and hear giggles. Secondly you will have to spend your time. Time is unfortunately on of the things that most people will never have enough of and the one thing that every human will certainly run out of at some point. By 'time' I mean that you will have to spend your time with your baby. After all you are the parent and I trust that this is in your own interest as well. One thing that is extremely important is that you do not you spend time because you 'need to' but that you actually 'want to'. A baby or a child is a very sensitive being and they will see right through you if you don't want to be with them. They are extremely good at reading 'between the lines' because they still have their intuition. When you provide you baby or child with genuine love and care you can be sure that it will come back to you ten-fold. If it doesn't then you might want to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself the question 'have I really given my unconditional love and care to my baby'? If you feel that you have then you are on the right path. Surely there can be situations where other aspects kick in. The child can become sick, have slept poorly, have had to little to eat etc. Some of these things are just 'life' and we all have to live with them. The point is that love and care goes a long way and if you haven't already tried it then I suggest that you give it a try. You might be surprised.
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