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Article Surfing ArchiveHow To Talk To Your Kids About Drinking And Driving - Articles SurfingParents can attempt to always try and keep their children under a watchful eye, never letting them out of their sight; however, they will not always be able to do this. This tactic may work while they are in high school, but what about when they go off to college and begin creating a life of their own. You will not always be able to keep watch over your children, nor will you always be alive. For this reason it is important to teach your children about the consequences of drinking and driving, and trust that they will make the right decisions in life. No matter how hard you try to shield your children from the ills of drinking, there is a good chance they will be faced with it eventually. Make sure they are prepared when this moment arrives. One of the most important things to show your kids is trust. By showing your children you have faith and trust in the decisions they make, they are more apt to make the correct choices, so they don't let you down. This could be a key factor between a weak resolve and a strong one when faced with the peer pressure of drinking alcohol. Now you may be thinking that your kids are well behaved, that there is no way they would ever do such a dangerous thing as drink and drive, but you may be wrong. It is not necessarily the trouble makers in school drinking and driving, but also the star athletes and head cheerleaders, kids you would never think capable of behaving in such a way, but they do, usually as the result of peer pressure. Remember what the teenage mentality was like when you were that age. Teenagers often feel invincible and that nothing bad can happen to them. Young people are too young to understand mortality. Oftentimes, it's too late before they finally grasp this concept at such a young age; it usually requires the death of a friend or close acquaintance before this sinks in. What can be done to fight back against this growing problem? Many schools have taken the initiative in teaching about the perils of drunk driving in the classroom, but still the message is not sinking in. The statistics grow more and more shocking each year. As a parent, it is ultimately your job to get the message across to your children because it is your advice they respect the most. Tell them that under no circumstances should they ever get into a car with a person who has been drinking, even if the person insists they are not drunk. Also tell your children that if they decide to drink, then under no circumstances should they ever get behind the wheel. Tell them that it is okay for them to call you for a ride, no matter how late at night it is. Also let them know they can do this without repercussions. Don't condone their drinking if they are underage, but make sure they understand they can turn to you for help. Vigilance and attentiveness to your children's lives is the key to avoiding a drunken driving misfortune.
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