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Puppy-Proof Your Home Before Your Shih Tzu Arrives - Articles Surfing

Ah, Shih Tzu puppies'.so adorable, filled with boundless energy and curious about any-and-everything around them. Taking the appropriate steps to puppy-proof your home will go a long way in protecting these little ones from harm. Your precautions will also safeguard your belongings from possible damage.

Try to imagine life from a Shih Tzu puppy's point of view. You might be saying, well how can I do that? Go to each room of your house. Get down on your hands and knees. Take a good look at what your Shih Tzu puppy might be enticed by. Remember, they are new to your home. Shih Tzu puppies are somewhat like toddlers. Shih Tzu puppies will eventually explore their surroundings. Some Shih Tzu puppies will start right away investigating this new place. Other Shih Tzu puppies may take awhile to settle in. Eventually all Shih Tzu puppies will be exploring their new home. They will roam around like a toddler putting things in their mouth and poling around in nooks and crannies. It is your responsibility to check out what there may be in your home that could possibly harm the new Shih Tzu puppy. You are also looking around for those items of yours you do not want the new Shih Tzu puppy to explore.


Watch out for cleaning supplies and personal care items that are stored in low storage areas like kitchen and under-sink bathroom cabinets. The ingredients in these products are extremely harmful and can even cause death. If the cabinet doors can be easily opened by the mouths and paws of Shih Tzu puppies, try to store these items in some other place. Another option is to purchase plastic child-proof cabinet locks that can be temporarily attached to the handles or knobs. These safety locks can usually be found online or in local pet supply (or baby) stores.

Electrical Cords

How tantalizing is an electrical cord especially when it's looping down from a table or desk? "I can jump at it, pull on it, wrestle with it and even gnaw on it.' Shih Tzu puppies will most likely perform all these tasks with an electrical cord. The dangers here are obvious: a falling lamp or electrocution can cause serious injury or worse. Wrap up loose hanging electrical cords or at least block access to them. And for cords that need to run across the floor, use rubber or plastic cord/cable runners that can be purchased at an office supply outlet or home improvement store. If you don't mind plastering a nail in the wall, you can also do this, and hang the cord up out of Shih Tzu puppy's eyesight.


Household plants are attractive to most Shih Tzu puppies. A lot of household plants are poison to Shih Tzu and dogs in general. Ingesting a bite or two can cause nausea, vomiting and in some cases death. It is probably an excellent idea to re-position your plants so that they are out of reach. You don't want your Shih Tzu poisoned or made ill by your beautiful plants. Neither do you want your beautiful plants destroyed by the curiosity of a Shih Tzu puppy.

Small Objects Around the House

Be alert to small items around the house that can be swallowed. Items in this category would be coins, jewelry, sewing supplies, batteries, medication and miniature knick-knacks left on low surfaces. Sometimes worse than swallowing these small items is that the Shih Tzu puppy may choke to death. Don't forget to block access to trash receptacles in the kitchen, your home office and even the bathroom. Shih Tzu puppies love pushing on a trash can until it falls over and then 'wow' all that is inside is within reach. This is so amusing to a Shih Tzu puppy; however, it is a disaster to the Shih Tzu puppy's owner. Take heed now before you bring home your adorable little Shih Tzu puppy and block access to trash bins.


To an adventurous Shih Tzu puppy, the challenge of climbing up, up and over the rim of your toilet is a tail-wagging delight. Unfortunately, falling head first into this big, slippery bowl of water is not so delightful especially for a smaller-sized pup. Simple solution: make it a house rule to keep the bathroom door closed at all times.

Puppy-proofing your home before your wonderful little Shih Tzu buddy arrives may seem like a hassle, but providing the safest environment possible is a necessity. After all, your lovable, four-legged bundle of joy is worth it.

Submitted by:

Connie Limon

Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies. Please visit us online at: http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com Sign up for our FREE newsletter.

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