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Article Surfing ArchiveWho is Taking Care of Your Italian Greyhound While You Are Away? - Articles SurfingHave you thought about how your Italian Greyhound will be taken care of in your absences? With just a little planning and thinking ahead you can make adequate arrangements for all your pets for the times you need to be away from them. This article will help you do some of that planning. Can your Italian Greyhound wait 10 hours to go for a walk? What if you can't come home Wednesday nights because of a prior commitment? Anytime an Italian Greyhound owner needs to go away on vacation, stay long hours at work or has regular scheduled activities that take them away from home they must consider how their Italian Greyhound will be cared for. Your Italian Greyhound provides entertainment and companionship but is also a huge responsibility. You show respect for your Italian Greyhound by taking its needs into consideration and planning accordingly. Fortunately there are many services available to assist you in caring for your Italian Greyhound during times when you can't personally give them the attention and care they need. What are they? Which is best for your Italian Greyhound? DAY CARE Social animals, like Italian Greyhounds, can suffer emotionally from a lack of attention. If your Italian Greyhound has access to the outdoors they will be able to relieve themselves when necessary but a house-bound Italian Greyhound will physically require a walk or you will come home to an accident on your rug and a frustrated animal. Day care centers provide the needed social stimulation most dogs crave. At the day care your Italian Greyhound will spend time with other dogs and have people looking after its physical needs. If you have a young Italian Greyhound this can be especially important as your Italian Greyhound may become destructive with a lack of supervision and an abundance of unused energy. BOARDING KENNELS If you plan to be away overnight or for longer your Italian Greyhound or may be placed in a boarding kennel. This can be expensive but will ensure your Italian Greyhound is cared for daily and overnight. IN-HOME CARE If you are comfortable leaving your Italian Greyhound at home all day you may find the in-home services of a visitor or dog walker to be sufficient and less costly while still providing personal attention. Cats and other animals may not need daily visits if you come home in the evening but will need some attention if you are away overnight or for several days. Cats prefer their own homes rather than the highly social aspect of day cares or boarding kennels. Other pets, such as birds and reptiles, will most likely do better with in-home care as well. In-home care can be as basic as someone taking your Italian Greyhound for a walk in the middle of the day or as inclusive as having a sitter stay in your home with your Italian Greyhound. Examine your situation and budget when choosing a method of care. Take your pet's best interests in mind. If you are having someone come to your home be sure they are reputable. Licensed businesses should be insured and bonded when employees are trusted with entering and locking up your home. Keep all these things in mind. Prepare ahead for your absences, and you should be able to have peace of mind while you are away from your Greyhound and/or other pets.
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