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Article Surfing ArchiveRepublicans Vs Democrats - Articles SurfingCurrently in the United States there are two main political parties, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. While not every person ascribes to every belief of their stated political party, generally, the beliefs held are as follows: REPUBLICAN PARTY Republicans prefer a small federal government, only performing those functions that are specifically stated in the Constitution. They believe the federal government should provide for the defense of the country, mint the money and raise the military. They place the freedom and rights of the individual over that of the majority. They believe that taxes should be for the benefit of local government and are opposed to high taxes. Republicans preserve peace by strengthening defense. The strength of the nation's economy is in free enterprise and individual and national prosperity. The role of the individual and the family is placed before that of government. Decisions about local matters are made at the local level. DEMOCRATIC PARTY Democrats believe the government should be focused at the federal level. They believe the federal government is empowered to do anything that is not specifically prohibited by the Constitution. They believe that the rights of the individual are less important than the good of all. Taxes should be increased and sent to the federal government to disperse for the benefit of the poorest. Democrats believe that money should be spent on social programs rather than defense. They believe world peace can be based on discussion and good intentions. Democrats believe in stronger business regulations and requirements as well as higher taxes. Democrats have been responsible for many of the social programs that place importance on the government's role in care giving rather than that of the family. Democrats want more federal and state control over the quality and structure of education, particularly at the local level. Each party believes that they are doing the best for the country. Let no one think that either one or the other is less patriotic. However, good intensions can still harm the country and its people.
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