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Scare Mongering Juggernaut Sacked! Now What? - Articles Surfing

The Chickens have home to roost, so to speak. The corrupt Republican smear & scare mongering juggernaut has been sacked!

A strong Democratic onslaught has left the "Quarterback" limping badly, and his "Receivers" are scattered all over the political playing field.

Throw in Pastor Ted Haggard's Methamphetamine laced gay sex scandal, and not even a "Saddam Finale" could rescue the Republicans.

Over the last three weeks the Republican strategy has been basically a chorus of fear mongering and the raining of shameless, desperate and Racist ads into our living rooms. Here goes:

- A win for the Dems is a win for terrorists!
- Nancy Pelosi is an "Extreme Liberal" from "Gay San Francisco!"
- Oh my God! Charlie Rangel (a black Congressman) will be running the Ways & Means Committee!
- The Dems will raise your taxes!
- 20 million "filthy" immigrants have invaded us and are tearing this country asunder!

Profane and blasphemous inflammations!

The American people are not that stupid after all, they are tired of being treated like fools, and have issued a strong rebuke to this arrogant and grossly incompetent Republican administration.

Never in my life have I ever witnessed a political machine so perfectly "precisioned," yet so dangerously flawed, but as the wise have said before -- "a thief has forty days!"

The story of the Republican party in the last six years has similarities to the proverbial boy who liked to cry "Wolf!" pretending that he was going to be eaten by a wolf. When people came running to help him, they found the boy laughing because he was not really in danger. This happened a number of times until people stopped believing him when he cried, "Wolf!" Finally, the boy was attacked by a real wolf and no one came to save him because they all thought he was just crying wolf.

The real wolf in this instance is the Democratic Party and the fed up people are Americans(excluding the right wing nuts).

The people have had enough of this charade and have clearly indicated that they want change.

It's neither a total Democratic avalanche nor is it a revolution, but a clear sign that the majority are fed up with being hoodwinked, cajoled and demeaned.

Having said the above, now what?

The primary issue at hand is Iraq -- It is very clear that this ill-conceived and badly executed war is being poorly managed and a looming confrontation between George Bush and Congress is simmering.

Sources indicate that this government, faced with a "Vietnam" like failure, is pondering partitioning Iraq into three autonomous regions. The Baker commission, a bi-partisan "Iraq study group" set up by Congress and led by former Secretary of State James Baker, to study the hopeless situation in Iraq, is set to recommend to the Bush government to split Iraq into three regions, namely Kurdish, Shi'ite, and Sunni.

Classic "Divide and Rule" Imperialism

The invasion of Iraq was an imperialist act cleverly camouflaged under the fear of terror. Dividing a country to "win" is a well known tactic, perfected by colonial Europeans notably "Master Imperialist" Great Britain, during and after the World Wars. A thieving tactic whose primary aim is to maintain exclusive control of natural resources and to impose economic and cultural imperialism even after withdrawal -- Mr. Bush calls it "Spreading Democracy."

If the Baker commission recommends the partitioning of Iraq, the issue for the Bush government will not be the equitable division of oil wealth to the three Iraqi sectarian groups, but rather how much of this oil wealth will Bush's squad of "Hyena" oil cronies control and exploit.

Colluding with the Kurds will be relatively easy, but the Shi'ites and their Iranian brothers will be tough nut to crack, meanwhile the Sunni's who had previously enjoyed Saddam Hussein's patronage for years, will not take it lying down.

Expect the bloodshed to triple the current levels -- Imperialism has met a brick wall.

Thousands of lives of brave American soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians have been lost in vain, for it is impossible to win this war. Some form of retreat is the only way out. If 140,000 troops have not been able to "win" in three years, I don't see them doing so in ten years.

For the record, Colin Powell, a decorated military general warned them prior to go to war: "you break it, you own it."

In two years, if this administration does not clean up it's act, I see George Bush withdrawing from Iraq....in utter shame, and in the process cementing his place in history as one of the worst presidents in the history of the United States -- the president who wantonly destroyed one of the oldest civilizations in the world -- Mesopotamia.

While Bill Clinton will succeed in repairing his legacy, besmirched by a sexual encounter, I do not see Bush doing likewise even if he attempts to, for his is tainted in blood, plus he neither has the propensity nor the capacity to rally anyone in the world to his side, and he seems determined to "stay the course," to nowhere. A Democratic Congress salivating in the mouth like a starved "Nile crocodile," will just make it worse for him if he doesn't toe the line.

There are several other domestic issues to be tackled including Health Care, Social Security Reform and notably Immigration.

If the Republican party keeps on insisting that the millions immigrants who are already here be deported summarily, without any humane considerations as to whether they have built strong roots and affiliations in this country, they can kiss the Latino and all other future "immigrant votes" goodbye, permanently.

If the Democrats grab this opportunity and play their cards right over the next 2+ years, the Republican team may be punting into the stands for many years to come.

Submitted by:

James Opiko

About The Author: James Opiko writes for AfroArticles.com & PoliticalArticles.Net. | Store, Share & Tag all your Favorite links



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