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The New Hampshire Debate - Recap Of A Fear Mongering Feast - Articles SurfingThe scene of this terrible accident -- Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H. [The third GOP presidential debate -- Tuesday, 5 2007]. My friend Paul Reyes likened them to a "convention of morticians," in their last debate. Mark Mellman, a pollster says these candidates make the Republican party look like "a front for the Flat Earth Society." I equate them with a congregation of angry, trembling middle-aged white men. In fact, Rep. Tom Tancredo, the Congressman from Colorado might have injested a lethal concoction of "Viagra and Cialis" -- judging by his shrill, "blood cuddling" and discombobulated allocution. They threatened nuking Iran with tactical nuclear weapons, kicking out all immigrants. John McCain even insinuated that Bill Clinton started the Kosovo war, comparing it to erroneously Bush's "illegal" Iraq war. For the record: The Kosovo War was a conflict between Serbian and Yugoslav security forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army, an Albanian guerilla group seeking independence. Clinton came into the picture in 1999 -- when NATO attacked Yugoslav targets. Clinton and NATO intervened, they did not initiate this war by lying Bush-Cheney style. With eyes darting uncontrollably, an angry and trembling Tancredo declared -- "We will not survive as a nation!" "We are testing our willingness to hold on to something known as the English language, the one thing that holds us glued together," adding -- "this is why I will go after any Republican Senator who supports this bill," -- The comprehensive immigration bill currently being debated in the Senate. "We are becoming a bilingual country -- and that is not good!," wailed an emotional Tancredo, following this statement with a torrent of distorted attacks at immigrants, ranging from welfare benefits to school congestions, to English, ....! "Bilingual countries don't survive!" ...., "We need 'that thing' to hold us together!" ....yelled Tancredo. Tancredo even suggested that ALL immigration should be stopped .....because America faces "death!" "It's simply not fair to say those people get put ahead in the line of all the people who've been waiting legally to come to this country," the Master flip-flopper, Mitt Romney said. Lets enforce the current laws enacted in 1986 -- READ: Lets hunt down the immigrants, and suffocate them to submission. The "communal braying" of the word "Amnesty" without any offer of a workable alternative was nauseating -- all they could furnish was a tired chorus: "Enforce the existing laws!" "Enforce the border!" "Build the fence!" ...."They will all self-deport!" ...as if 12 million immigrants will depart the United States at the wave of a Republican magical wand! Shows how out of touch with reality these Republican candidates are. Meanwhile, Gov. Romney is airing campaign ads in SPANISH, the language of the same group of people he is attacking, so relentlessly -- What a hypocrite! Gov. Tommy Thompson proposed putting George Bush on a "lecture circuit" after his retirement -- Bush, a man who cannot pronounce anything right! Asked how he would use George Bush if he becomes president, Rep. Tancredo recalled that White House aide Karl Rove had once told him to "never darken the door of the White House." With eyes bulging fiercely, Tancredo said he'd tell Bush the same thing. Congressman Ron Paul provided the usual theatrics. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani looked like a toothless bull-dog, Duncan Hunter was his usual "anti-immigrant self," Huckabee emphasized that God created man -- but didn't know how, yet he conveniently refuted Darwin's Theory of Evolution. As for flip-flopper Romney -- why would anyone believe anything said by someone whose "faith" didn't believe blacks were human until as recently as the the late seventies. All in all, this was a sorry group of vicious and pandering pretenders. A bunch of middle-aged white-men immersed in "Gunsmoke Freakdom,".....as my friend Ike, quite correctly states: U.S. Political campaigns become an orgy of prevarication . . . One rich guy tells one set of lies, the other rich guy tells a slightly different set of lies, and you get to base your vote on which set of lies you like the best. "I'll cut taxes!" . . . "I'll give you better schools!" . . . "I'll cut crime!" . . . "I'll cut welfare!" . . . "I'll build more jails!" . . . "I'll create more jobs!" . . . "I'll cut the deficit!" . . . "I'll end the war!" . . . "I'll start the war!" . . . "I'll put a chicken in every pot!" . . . "I'll keep those Immigrants in their place!". Pure PoliTRICKS! The other Sunday, the Democrats looked more relaxed, more resourceful and much less angry -- compared to this Republican group who offered nothing substantive in terms of policy, other than fear-mongering and the usual empty and predatory rhetoric. VERDICT: Senator McCain won this debate. Simply put -- he seems to be the wiser of this Fear-Mongering bunch -- his patriotic speech at the end of the debate, I think, was his strongest moment. But his immigration stance will definitely hurt him with the Republican base, a base that has stopped reasoning totally, when it comes to immigration -- "because America faces death," if 12 to 20 million immigrants are assimilated into the system. If that's the case, then America should have died already, because these 20 million are already here, and some have been here for 20+ years. So, what's Tancredo's REAL problem? Your guess is as good as mine.
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