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How Concentrated Psychic Thought Links All Humanity Together - Articles Surfing

It is within your power to gratify your every wish. Success isthe result of the way you think. I will show you how to think tobe successful.

The power to rule and attract success is within yourself. Thebarriers that shut these off from you are subject to yourcontrol. You have unlimited power to think and this is the linkthat connects you with your omniscient source.

Success is the result of certain moods of mind or ways ofthinking. These moods can be controlled by you and produced atwill.

You have been evolved to what you are from a lowly atom becauseyou possessed the power to think. This power will never leaveyou, but will keep urging you on until you reach perfection. Asyou evolve, you create new desires and these can be gratified.The power to rule lies within you. The barriers that keep youfrom ruling are also within you. These are the barriers ofignorance.

Concentrated thought will accomplish seemingly impossible resultsand make you realize your fondest ambitions. At the same timethat you break down barriers of limitation new ambitions will beawakened. You begin to experience conscious thoughtconstructions.

If you will just realize that through deep Psychic - Concentration youbecome linked with thoughts of omnipotence, you will kill outentirely your belief in your limitations and at the same timewill drive away all fear and other negative and destructivethought forces which constantly work against you. In the place ofthese you will build up a strong assurance that your everyventure will be successful. When you learn thus how toconcentrate and reinforce your thought, you control your mentalcreations; they in turn help to mould your physical environment,and you become the master of circumstances and the ruler of yourkingdom.

It is just as easy to surround your life with what you want as itis with what you don't want. It is a question to be decided byyour will. There are no walls to prevent you from getting whatyou want, providing you want what is right. If you choosesomething that is not right, you are in opposition to theomnipotent plans of the universe and deserve to fail. But, if youwill base your desires on justice and good will, you availyourself of the helpful powers of universal currents, and insteadof having a handicap to work against, can depend upon ultimatesuccess, though the outward appearances may not at first bebright.

Never stop to think of temporary appearances, but maintain anunfaltering belief in your ultimate success. Make your planscarefully, and see that they are not contrary to the tides ofuniversal justice. The main thing for you to remember is to keepat bay the destructive and opposing forces of fear and anger andtheir satellites.

There is no power so great as the belief which comes from theknowledge that your thought is in harmony with the divine laws ofthought and the sincere conviction that your cause is right. Youmay be able seemingly to accomplish results for a time even ifyour cause is unjust, but the results will be temporary, and, intime, you will have to tear down your thought edifice and buildon the true foundation of Right.

Plans that are not built on truth produce discordant vibrationsand are therefore self-destructive. Never try to build until youcan build right. It is a waste of time to do anything else. Youmay temporarily put aside your desire to do right, but its truevibrations will interfere with your unjust plans until you areforced back into righteous paths of power.

All just causes succeed in time, though temporarily they mayfail. So if you should face the time when everything seemsagainst you, quiet your fears, drive away all destructivethoughts and uphold the dignity of your moral and spiritual life.

"Where There Is A Will There Is A Way." The reason this is so isthat the Will can make a way if given the chance to secure theassistance of aiding forces. The more it is developed the higherthe way to which it will lead.

When everything looks gloomy and discouraging, then is the timeto show what you are made of by rejoicing that you can controlyour moods by making them as calm, serene and bright as ifprosperity were yours.

"Be faithful in sowing the thought seeds of success, in perfecttrust that the sun will not cease to shine and bring a generousharvest in one season."

It is not always necessary to think of the success of a venturewhen you are actually engaged in it. For when the body isinactive the mind is most free to catch new ideas that willfurther the opportunity you are seeking. When you are actuallyengaged in doing something, you are thinking in the channels youhave previously constructed and the work does not have to be doneover again.

When you are in a negative mood the intuitions are more active,for you are not then controlling your thoughts by the will.Everything we do. should have the approval of the intuition.

When you are in a negative mood you attract thoughts of similarnature through the law of affinity. That is why it is soimportant to form thoughts of a success nature to attract similarones. If you have never made a study of this subject, you maythink this is all foolishness, but it is a fact that there arethought currents that unerringly bring thoughts of a similarnature. Many persons who think of failure actually attractfailure by their worries, their anxieties, their overactivity.These thoughts are bound to bring failure. When you once learnthe laws of thought and think of nothing but Good, Truth,Success, you will make more progress with less effort than youever made before.

There are forces that can aid the mind that are hardly dreamed ofby the average person. When you learn to believe more in thevalue of thought and its laws you will be led aright and yourbusiness gains will multiply.

The following method may assist you in gaining better thoughtcontrol. If you are unable to control your fears, just say toyour faulty determination, "Do not falter or be afraid, for I amnot really alone. I am surrounded by invisible forces that willassist me to remove the unfavorable appearances." Soon you willhave more courage. The only difference between the fearless manand the fearful one is in his will, his hope. So if you lacksuccess, believe in it, hope for it, claim it. You can use thesame method to brace up your thoughts of desire, aspiration,imagination, expectation, ambition, understanding, trust andassurance.

If you get anxious, angry, discouraged, undecided or worried, itis because you are not receiving the co-operation of the higherpowers of your mind. By your Will you can so organize the powersof the mind that your moods change only as you want them toinstead of as circumstances affect you.

I was recently asked if I advised concentrating on what you eat,or what you see while walking. My reply was that no matter whatyou may be doing, when in practice think of nothing else but thatact at the time. The idea is to be able to control yourunimportant acts, otherwise you set up a habit that it will behard to overcome, because your faculties have not been in thehabit of concentrating. Your faculties cannot be disorganized oneminute and organized the next. If you allow the mind to wanderwhile you are doing small things, it will be likely to get intomischief and make it hard to concentrate on the important actwhen it comes.

The man that is able to concentrate is the happy, busy man. Timedoes not drag with him. He always has plenty to do. He does nothave time to think over past mistakes, which would make himunhappy.

If despite our discouragement and failures, we claim our greatheritage, "life and truth and force, like an electric current,"will permeate our lives until we enter into our "birthright ineternity."

The will does not act with clearness, decision and promptnessunless it is trained to do so. There are comparatively few thatreally know what they are doing every minute of the day. This isbecause they do not observe with sufficient orderliness andaccuracy to know what they are doing. It is not difficult to knowwhat you us doing all the time, if you will just practicePsychic - Concentration and with a reposeful deliberation, and trainyourself to think clearly, promptly, and decisive. If you allowyourself to worry or hurry in what you are doing, this will notbe clearly photographed upon the sensitized plate of thesubjective mind, and you therefore will not be really consciousof your actions. So practice accuracy and Psychic - Concentration ofthought, and also absolute truthfulness and you will soon be ableto concentrate.

Submitted by:

Zach Keyer

Zach KeyerPsyCourse.com Brings You Psychic Training for Real People.Embrace Your Psychic Side - Today!!www.PsyCourse.comzkeyer@yahoo.com



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