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Optimindzation.....Fact? Or Crap? - Articles Surfing

I'm a blonde. And I'm dumb. Seriously! I'm so dumb that I don't understand why my co-workers roll their eyes at me when they walk by my desk each day. I mean, I'm doing what they told me to do for Heaven's sake! They told me to think outside the box, so I got a box and put it by my desk. Now I think outside the box everyday! I just don't understand what their problem is.

My co-workers compiled a list of 101 of the best dumb blonde jokes and gave it to me last year as a gift. Nice of them, huh? But, the thing is, I don't understand what's so funny about the jokes. The blondes they're supposed to be making fun of seem pretty smart to me!

So, yes, I'm a blonde. And I'm dumb. Or, at least I was.

A few weeks ago, a friend of mind said he finally found something that would make me smart and make me understand the jokes my co-workers gave me. Well, whatever. I thought my friend was just trying to play a joke on me, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings. So, I decided to play along.

'Okay, I'm listening' I said.

'It's a new series that just came out on the internet,' he said. 'It's called OptiMINDzationTM.'

'Optmindzation?' I asked. 'That's a funny name for something that's supposed to make a person smart!'

'Not 'optmindzation', but optimindzation!' he said, rolling his eyes (something people love to do around me for some reason!).

'Whatever. It's still a funny name,' I said. 'Anyway, what do I have to do?' (still thinking he was playing some kind of trick on me and was going to ask me to stand on my head for an hour or two each day while trying to drink the latest nutrition product).

'Easy. You just get the program, listen to the CD a few minutes each day, and you will start feeling a change within yourself. If this program doesn't work for you, then NOTHING will!' he said.

'Gee thanks,' I replied. I guess he was thinking I was a hopeless case, and this was the last resort for me. After all, I'd tried several genius types of programs and nothing seemed to make a difference.

Anyway, I decided to keep playing along and buy the first CD. After all, I had nothing to lose.

Well, the CD arrived a few days later. It was nothing fancy. I thought, 'This has got to be some kind of joke!' I wasn't even going to listen to it right away, but curiosity got the better of me. So, I put the CD in the boom box, put some headphones on and started listening.

What I first heard was a series of repetitive beats. Hmmmm, unusual, yes, but would it make me smarter? How in the heck would a bunch of beats make me smarter? I was still thinking this was a gag, and I was trying to think of a way to get even with my friend when something happened'.I could actually think of a way to get even with him! That's never happened before! I am usually the one everyone plays jokes on because I can't usually think of ways to get even! Maybe there was something to this after all! I kept listening.

The program said to listen between 20 to 60 minutes a day for maximum results. Well, I was in dire need of maximum results (see that? I used the word dire! One of my new vocabulary words I've been adding each day now!). I listened to the CD for an entire 60 minutes.

The next day, at work, I read through my 101 Best Blonde Jokes file again. Wow! I felt totally superior to the blondes in those jokes. I actually understood why people were making fun of them. I think a miracle was happening here! I was excited to go home and listen to my CD again and again and again...

I've been listening to my CD for a few weeks now. I've also ordered the next in the series. I've gone from a totally dumb blonde to someone as smart as the rest of the world population! I took an IQ test recently and even scored 20 points higher than before. Amazing! I'm so glad my friend introduced me to this program. It's an amazing feeling to realize that you're improving yourself, that you can remember things more easily, and that your brain is thinking faster.

If this program could work miracles for me and bring me up to an average IQ, just think what it could do for you! Here are a few facts about the program:

Optimindzation enhances memory capability
Optimindzation enhances your learning abilities
Optimindzation boosts mental absorbency
Optimindzation increases your concentration
Optimindzation enhances your brain energy
Optimindzation strengthens thought power
Optimindzation improves your mood
Optimindzation enhances your ability to focus

The average person will probably be close to Mensa level after completing this program. It's definitely a MUST to add to your library. If you DON'T get this program, I MIGHT actually be smarter than YOU someday!

If you are interested in gaining above average intelligence, click here:


Submitted by:

Angela Warner

Angela Warner is a freelance writer who writes about various self improvement topics. If you are interested in reading more about the optimindzation program, click here: http://www.optimindzation.ws

If you are worried YOU might be a dumb blonde, too, click the following to take a simple test:




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