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Article Surfing ArchiveBook Reviews - Articles SurfingMany people of all ages enjoy reading books as a past time, books are one of the most accessible mediums of all and can be read by people anywhere and at anytime. One of the problems faced by someone who enjoys reading books is that there is such a sheer volume of books available from novels to biographies and recipe books to factual publications. This means that readers are faced with many choices on which book to start reading next and whether a book they read will be worth the time and money they spend on it. One way that many readers can find out information about a book is to use online book reviews. Many websites, large and small provide these online book reviews for people to use free of charge. People who have read a particular book can write a review describing what they thought of the book, the strengths of the book, the weaknesses and even a short synopsis of the plot. Other users of the site can then read these reviews and decide whether they wish to read or indeed purchase the book. These sites also help readers by allowing them to read reviews by people with similar tastes in literature as themselves. Many people who post reviews will have a list of their favourite books or books that they have recently read to help narrow down the reviews they are interested in. Many of these book review websites offer discounts for online book purchases which encourages users to purchase. This can help to increase interest in the site as well as encourage the people who have purchased the books to write a review and increase the size and popularity of the site. The percentage of books being sold online is increasing year by year due to the convenience offered by online retailers such as Amazon and WH Smiths website. A major advantage of online book stores and online book reviews is that they are so very easily accessible. Rather than having to visit many stores in shopping malls or on the High Street in order to try and find out information on books or to purchase the books themselves, people can do all this from the comfort of their own homes. It allows users to make more informed decisions on the book they wish to purchase and also means that time is not an obstacle. Nobody has to rush round shops trying to find the book they require, they can instead read many book reviews by like minded people at their own leisure so to absorb more opinions and information about the books. This allows them to be more sure and more satisfied about the purchase they eventually make.
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