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Article Surfing ArchiveAbout Psychics - Articles SurfingPsychics have fascinated the masses for thousands of years. They've been a source of ridicule, they've been a source of information and they've been a source of hope for the disparate. Now, if you turn on your television, you will see just how much psychics have gained in popularity. From understanding the emotions of animals to speaking to the dead and everything in between, psychics are enjoying their newfound fame. However, with the droves of people coming out claiming to be psychic, it's no wonder there are those that remain skeptical. Honestly, if they are such mysterious and rare abilities, how can so many people have them? But the truth is that every person---man, woman and child---is predisposed to having psychic abilities. That's right. Psychics are all around you...in fact, you're one too. So if that's true, you're probably wondering why you can't have a vision helping you locate the keys you misplaced, or speak to your loved ones that have passed away whenever you want? You can't just tap into any dormant psychic ability you may possess without alot of work and practice. It's easy to doubt 'true' psychics because of all the people that play at being psychic. Even these 'fake' psychics have true psychic abilities, they just haven't tapped them yet. You should realize that psychics are not necessarily fake just because they're wrong or make a mistake. They're only human and it's entirely possible for them to misinterpret what they are experiencing. Think about it. Have you ever had a 'gut' feeling? Or 'felt' tension or sadness when you entered a room? 'Heard' a voice or 'sensed' a presence when no one's there? If so, then you've had a psychic experience. It's more common than people realize. The difference between you and practicing psychics is that they trust what they sense and feel instead of writing it off as coincidence, deja vu or just plain luck. But being a psychic is not as simple as it sounds. Psychics don't just have the power to 'see' something or someone. There are many different types of psychic abilities and you have to discover your ability before you can tap into it. For instance, there is clairvoyance (experiencing visions), clairaudience (experiencing sounds, such as voices), clairsentience (experiencing feelings) and, of course, intuition (experiencing a gut feeling) which are all very common abilities in psychics. While there are other abilities, these are the most common. Although most people have or will have at least one psychic experience in their life, it usually takes a life changing event for a person to tap into their true potential as a psychic. However, it's entirely possible to strengthen your psychic abilities in other ways should you want to. One very popular way psychics use to develop their skills is to meditate. Meditation helps rid your mind of the excess noise and focus on the underlying energy. One of the most common forms of meditation used by practicing psychics is yoga. Psychics also practice using tools that compliment their abilities. If you're psychic abilities are visionary, use images. If your abilities are sensory, then observe others using all five of your senses. The more you practice and work at it, the easier it will be to access your psychic side. You should also make an effort to increase your awareness to your surroundings. Psychics are sensitive to their surroundings and one way to develop this is to take a few minutes every day with your eyes closed and try to notice as many smells, sounds, shapes and textures as possible.
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