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After 2025 - What Will Happen Once Most Ice Masses Have Disappeared? - Articles Surfing

Within the next twenty years almost all of the current ice structure will have melted, however, at present this does not concern most of the world's population. While it is true that we can live without these ice masses, ecologically this is not sound. The planet's ecology will not be able to sustain a balanced environment without its glaciers and other ice masses.

While most of humanity may think the present melting of glaciers, Arctic ice and the ice covering mountainous areas, is a natural event, this is not so. More and more ice is melting due to global warming as well as a severely damaged environment which is no longer coping.

Once this cycle of melting ice masses has completed there will no longer be any ice masses left for the many environmental processes, which are all playing an important part in the overall ecological balance this planet needs. What could be the next climate phase once the ice masses have disappeared? The planet could cool down to regain its balance, in what for most people will be unforeseen ways. Another possibility is that the planet would change or reverse its cycle. However, none of the outcomes are a certainty yet.

While some believe that land ice will only partially disappear and that some ice will always remain in the Polar Regions and glaciers, this is not true from our perspective. The planet is well on its way to having almost no ice masses left within the next twenty-five years.

The planet's atmospheric pressure system will change once these land ice masses have disappeared. There will no longer be 'water flows' as part of a balanced ecological structure to continue nature's cyclical process in ways we currently experience. Change will take place affecting barometric pressures, condensation and so forth, creating different rainfall patterns.

How will the rest of the weather processes change when around 2025 most of these ice masses will have melted? We expect that for about five years the weather patterns will initially be the same, however, around 2030 we foresee dramatic changes in the rainfall patterns. Once this has begun we foresee a major change in climate within a matter of one year. All over the planet a dramatic change in the climate affecting, in particular, the rainfall is expected to take place. Such changing rainfall patterns will be ecologically disastrous for all. They are likely to become erratic, with perhaps no rain for longer than usual periods, or with no rainfall at all; inland regions may be the worse affected by the change in climate.

So the future looks bleak in relation to climate change as it stands now, with rapidly declining ice masses such as the polar ice and far more drought or flooding than before.

Most of humanity has not taken much interest in what will happen once the ice mass has disappeared. It is not looking ahead enough and has little concern for these reducing ice masses. Humanity is not looking at the ever-increasing pollution problem, in particular, atmospheric pollution, which is the real cause behind all of this. As a result people are not taking adequate action to reduce their impact on the environment.

Thus, with these melting ice masses becoming an ever-increasing problem, it is time for humanity to mature and look at the impact of their present lifestyle on the environment. The ever-increasing pollution resulting from humanity's wish for luxury goods and products, which is having a serious affect on the environment, cannot continue as in the end humanity's own destiny is at stake.

Submitted by:

Mia Den Haan

Mia receives information about the planet's future in various forms,such as visions, dreams, and through channeling. She makes the channeled information she has received available through her writing and through her website at www.miadenhaan.com She has received information on various topics, such as the planet and its future, the role of the True Self, and a new method to help humanity at large find solutions in a new way, based on higher awareness.The first chapter of her book called New Concepts for Business and Humanity can be viewed at www.miadenhaan.com



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