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Deforestation Affects Humanity in Many Different Ways - Articles Surfing

While most people know how to live life in a comfortable way, it is often not fully understood that the modern westernized lifestyles are not helping the planet's ecology. These lifestyles are damaging the ecology to such an extent that soon there will no longer be an ecologically sustainable future.

Most people need to implement a much better, ecologically friendly lifestyle before it is too late, and nature takes its course with further calamities. If most of humanity does not implement improvements in its life and does not make ecologically sustaining lifestyle changes but continue to damage and pollute the planet, there will not be a liveable environment in the near future.

Our ecological system is the most important part of this planetary system and it must be conserved. Trees are of utmost importance to have an ecologically balanced environment. Without trees, there will be no chance of surviving, not only because of the need for oxygen or because of the lack of paper and other commodities, but in particular because this ecological structure is part of the planet's ecological foundation plane.

Trees are much more important to the well-being of humanity than most people know. They create energy forms and hold much of the balance on the planet, in particular, those trees that are part of a forest. These energy forms can be enormous and can keep people in balance mentally, emotionally, and, to some degree, allow people to be less affected by air pollutants. Our forests must therefore be protected.

Often people feel rejuvenated when they go for a walk or run near trees or a forest; they can feel the peacefulness radiating from the trees. Trees have a certain energy content, which is not easy to explain within the context of this article. The ancient forests, in particular, preserve much of this energy structure.

This energy structure is like a foundation, a building block similar to brickwork; however, the content of this 'brickwork of trees' cannot be proven. Most people resonate with this wisdom and know this, as they know that trees need to be left to grow to be able to fulfill their own purpose, to stabilize the planet's own functioning.

What will be the future for humanity when there is hardly any forest left? If this deforestation continues at this alarming rate people will need to understand that the support the forests are providing for the overall life on the planet will be lost forever. The reduction of forests has far exceeded the threshold whereby forests can continue to sustain humanity and the planet. Older trees contain ancient knowledge that can have a beneficial effect on all. This ancient knowledge inherent in a tree will simply vanish, and anyone who was sustained by these energy structures will be affected.

Estimates are that many forests including the Amazon, one of the most important structural forests on the planet, which is decreasing at an incredible rate, will no longer exist by the year 2025. Most of the planet's forests could be completely extinct by 2040. Thus, these forests, which are major contributors to the planet's oxygen supply, may no longer exist in the near future. Estimations are that the Amazon forest currently contributes 15% to 20% to the planet's oxygen supply. While there is enough oxygen supplied in the atmosphere, the overall oxygen levels are still slowly declining.

Within the corporate environment, people need to have a better understanding of how severe the degradation of the planet's ecological system is and how this will effect the planet and the future of humanity.

There are no longer enough ecologically well-balanced structures left on the planet to provide adequate replenishment for people. As a result, some people could feel they have lost their brilliance.

Eventually, everything in people's lives could be affected should people's mental functioning become further confused because of the loss of this inner connection and not enough forests remaining to support people and the planet.

The main priority has to be to stop further deforestation of the remaining forests. It is important to plant additional trees before it is too late and there are not enough forests left to ecologically support the planet and there is a point of no return. In addition, there is a need to find replacements for products made of timber that are not harmful to the environment and can sustain the present ecological crisis.

Without a planet that supports humanity, life on earth is not possible. The planet is the sole provider. It provides trees for oxygen, water to drink, food to eat, raw materials for manufacture, gold for the monetary system; humanity obtains all of these resources from the planet's crust.

The planet's crust is the major foundation that supports life and it is moving and changing due to geological stress. Tectonic plate movements are increasing, and this will continue until, at least, 2025. These plates are the physical platform on which all of life is built. The planet's crust is under enormous pressure as are the ecological structures on its surface. If there are no ecological structures remaining on the planet's surface to sustain the planet as well as humanity, life will no longer be possible in its current form.

Humanity has not understood that this continuous taking from the planet has gone on for too long. It has gone beyond the wildest imagination of those who understand the planet's present state. The planet is the foundation of life'this should not be forgotten.

Submitted by:

Mia Den Haan

Mia den Haan is an author who has worked in the information technology sector since the early seventies, both in Europe and Australia. She receives information about the planet's future in various forms,such as visions, dreams, and through channelings. She makes the channeled information she has received available through her writing and through her website at www.miadenhaan.com She has received on various topics, such as the planet and its future, the role of the True Self, and a new method to help humanity at large find solutions in a new way, based on higher awareness.The first chapter of her book called New Concepts for Business and Humanity can be viewed at www.miadenhaan.com



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