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Article Surfing ArchiveImmigrant Integration, 6 Tips On How To Go From A Brandnew Immigrant To A Well Adjusted And Happy New Citizen - Articles SurfingYou are a new immigrant into a country, let's use Canada as an example. You feel like an "immigrant". You don't really want to feel like an immigrant, what you really want is to feel that you belong to this new country. You want to be happy about your decision to immigrate. You want to be a happy immigrant. What will make that feeling of newness change? What will make you feel at home? Here are 6 guidelines you can follow that will get you started towards being a fully integrated and happy Canadian. 1. Take English as a second language classes. It is an excellent way to start. You meet other immigrants from all over the world and you will become more comfortable speaking the English language. English as a second language is offered by the area school boards. 2. Play sports. Check the local newspaper to see when and where to register. It's good activity for the body and at the same time you get to make new friends. Language is no problem, and neither is your athletic ability. You can join any group, from lawn bowling to rock climbing, whatever level of activity you like. 3. Get involved with your kids school or activities. Schools are always looking for parents willing to join the Parent Teacher Association. You do not have to have perfect control of the language, there are lots of other activities they need help with. Bake sales, setup or supervision for events. Fundraising, plays. 4. Get a hobby and sign up for a course. Carpentry, crafts, scrap-booking, anything you find interesting. Language is not a big problem, lots of learning is by seeing and doing. Courses are offered at local school boards and at stores. Check the local classified section in the newspaper or contact crafts and sporting stores. 5. Let the kids play sports at the local community level and get involved. It is fun, it is easy and your kids will love you for it. Things you might have to do are being present in the refreshment booth during games, or look after the team uniforms. It is not a full time commitment; you usually do a few turns during the season, not every night. Your kids will develop new friendships and you will meet people your age. 6. Continuing Education. Those courses are offered by local school boards and community colleges. There are fun courses, and courses that will help you become certified in a trade, or get credits towards your high school diploma. Time commitment for the course is different for all courses. It might be one or two evenings per week for a certain amount of weeks, or it might be a full or half day course during the weekend. Follow these guidelines and you are well on your way to become a happy and well integrated immigrant feeling at home in your new country.
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