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Article Surfing ArchiveMen's Fashion For The 21st Century - Time To Kick It Up A Notch - Articles SurfingVery few people would deny that most men get their fashion sense from those they spend the most time with, or God forbid, their fathers. Had I been a man and decided to go down this route of dressing like my father, I would be wearing white tube socks halfway up my calves, garage sale t-shirts and shorts from the 1970s. Mind you, this is my father's "going out" look. If a man decides to dress like his peers there is no help there unless this man happens to be George Clooney and has friends like Brad Pitt and Don Cheadle. Further down the spectrum, there are those men whose wives dress them. Every morning, there is a freshly ironed outfit draped on the bed courtesy of the old ball and chain. One would think this might fare better for men as women naturally have a better sense of fashion, but, in reality, it doesn't. Like men, these women also get a sense of men's fashion from their fathers as most women would hardly have time to read an issue of GQ, what with all the hundreds of women's fashion magazines to devour. No, in America, most men are in the dark about fashion whether it comes to formal wear or casual wear. If you are one of the millions of men who think it is okay to wear sandals with socks, please, for the love of our country and for our sanity, read on. Casual Wear Getting down to the basics, what is the one piece of clothing that every man owns at least 2 pairs of? That's right...jeans. Granted, these two pairs of jeans probably get worn at 4 to 5 times each during the week before getting washed, but we will leave that issue alone until our hygiene article comes out next month. Now, men, if you want to bring yourself into the 21st century, as will be the theme for most of men's fashion, remember that slim is in. While bootcut jeans probably won't get you turned away from the newest club downtown, you might get to skip ahead in line with a slim fit, straight-legged jean. These jeans can go from dressed up to dressed down quite easily; so you can go bowling with your guy friends in the afternoon and then head to your date at the swankiest bar in town with only a quick change of the shoes and shirt. As for dress shirts, be sure to tuck them in to create a more slimming effect. When it comes to casual footwear, stick to the classics, like Converse or old-school Pumas. Men, leave the cross-training footwear at home; while okay for the gym and around town, they are not intended for a night out on the town. It would be a travesty to pair your nice new jeans with some ratty, smelly running shoes. T-shirts are still perfectly acceptable, as long as they are tasteful, hole-less, grease-less, and stain-less...and the right size. There is nothing less attractive than a man wearing a shirt two sizes too large, or two sizes too small, for that matter. If you are dressing up the straight-legged jean, nothing says sleek like a slim-fit button-down shirt. Paired with some appropriate cufflinks and leather Italian shoes, you'll look like you stepped out of the pages of a men's fashion magazine. In a nutshell, when going casual, leave the baggy clothes to the teenagers and dress up like the attractive man you are. Business or Formal Wear If given the opportunity, most men will avoid suits like the plague. Many men feel like they have turned into their grandfather the second a suit jacket hits their shoulders. Consider this: When you see an actor on the red carpet sporting a suit, do you instantly think he looks like an old man? Probably not; and the reason for this is because as a man, you must wear the suit, not the other way around. The perfect suit will be different for each person; they depend on a man's height and build. Avoid wearing a suit right off the rack. Just because a suit is on sale for 85% off list price does not mean it needs to find its way into your closet. The best thing you can do if you find yourself in a situation where a suit is in order is to find a superb tailor in your area. No suit will fit exactly the way it was intended right off the rack, so shell out a few bucks to get the suit fitted perfectly. If you are on the slimmer or average side, a slim tie, a slim-fit shirt, a pair of classic sterling silver cufflinks and a narrow lapel on the jacket are musts. On the flip-side, if you are still trying to lose a few pounds or are very tall, skip the slim tie and opt for a wider tie to keep your body proportioned. Keep an eye out for the shoulder pads on your suit to be sure they are aligned with your own shoulders, so it doesn't look like you have wings. One last tip to keep in mind is to always keep the bottom button of your jacket unbuttoned, unless, of course, you are wearing a one button jacket. Take a look at almost any male model wearing a suit and you will see what I mean. These are just a few tips to whip your fashion sense into the current century. Take a few minutes to pick up a men's fashion magazine every once in a while and take a quick peek at what the men are sporting these days. You may feel silly subscribing to Esquire or GQ or fear the ribbing you would get from your guy friends for doing so, so trust me when I say these magazines always have articles and photographs of the sultriest female celebrities, so you can still retain your true guy status. With just a few key additions to your wardrobe, you can go from fashion disaster to fashion icon in no time.
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