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More Lifestyle Changes Are Needed For Humanity's Own Benefit - Articles Surfing

At present most people do not believe that it is necessary to make changes to their lifestyle to prevent major planetary upheavals. The way most people view life in regards to climate change is often that all is still well and there is no need to make all the necessary lifestyle changes. Should they have some concern about the present climate change, this is often rationalized or a good reason is found to marginalize the fact that climate change is caused by humanity itself.

While some may be concerned of late about the severity and number of earthquakes, this is usually a temporary concern that will fade away as soon as all is back to normal; there is often no foresight in relation to the consequences of climate change.

Although many people are not aware of it yet, climate change will soon become a threat for most of humanity. Within the next three years the majority of the human race will have understood what the future will hold in relation to expected climate changes.

This prediction may not seem real, however, there will come a time soon, where most people will begin to understand, because of climate changes ahead.

While all of this may sound like a doomsday scenario, these climate change predictions are the result of a lack of effort and urgency by humanity to reduce its ecological footprint.

We all have the power to combat climate change and make the necessary changes to prevent such a future outcome.

Life itself is a process which humanity can steer in many different directions. The course of most of life's events is on the whole at a global level driven by humanity itself.

What if China had not developed as rapidly as it currently has, if the western world had not bought most of their products, but had chosen a different path? China is following the same path most western countries began many years ago, with consumerism becoming the main part of its lifestyle and well-being.

With the rapid growth in the production of goods and materialism in most countries, what will happen to what remains of the environment and its ecological functioning?

What will be the aftermath of the rapid increase in pollution for both humanity and the environment? There will then no longer be opportunities to rebuild the lost environmental structures; and this will have further consequences on all.

While most people expect life at present to continue as it is, as not enough climate change has happened yet, there will come a time when they will have to make lifestyle changes, as ultimately nature will run its own course.

The course of action humanity is taking will not be able to adequately sustain its chances of future survival, as changes in weather patterns will increase. Humanity has not yet realized that it needs to change its present lifestyle for the benefit of its own future survival.

By not making the necessary lifestyle changes to reduce global pollution, there will be consequences in the near future whereby much of humanity will no longer have the benefits that their current lifestyle is giving them.

Extract from the book New Concepts for Business and Humanity ' Author Mia den Haan

Submitted by:

Mia Den Haan

Mia den Haan is an author who has worked in the information technology sector since the early seventies, both in Europe and Australia. She receives information about the planet's future in various forms,such as visions, dreams, and through channelings. She makes the channeled information she has received available through her writing and through her website at www.miadenhaan.com She has received on various topics, such as the planet and its future, the role of the True Self, and a new method to help humanity at large find solutions in a new way, based on higher awareness.The first chapter of her book called New Concepts for Business and Humanity can be viewed at www.miadenhaan.com



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