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Domain Name Registration - What Steps to Take - Articles Surfing

Domain name registration is the first step to start your website. Like naming a newborn child, your website too requires a name to be known and referred to on web. Domain name registration is about identifying your website on the net.

Just as you prefer your child to have sensible name that reflects your belief and hope for her future, your website too needs carefully selected domain name before you proceed for domain name registration. In this article we will explore important steps for domain name registration.

Generic Domain Name

Ideally, domain name may be short and simple for remembering easily. Generic names are easy to remember, and there is always a generic name, no matter which business you are in. Unfortunately, for domain name registration, most generic domains are no longer to be had. For example, if you deal in real estate, you will find domain names like property.com, properti.com, estate.com, etc. are already taken. If you do not mind country-specific domain extensions (like .jp, .cn, and so on), you may be in luck for acquiring a hot name for domain name registration. If lucky to have found one, check whether the domain name infringes any patent or trademark in your country or elsewhere before domain name registration.

Unique Domain name

If not generic domain names, how about unique names like google, orange, kanoodle, or word combinations like findwhat, justnow, forever and so on? Perhaps you won't mind slight distortions, such as prioriti instead of priority. Watch closely and you will see these domain names not only sound nice, they are also short and quick on recall. It is likely that many such unique domain names are out of bounds. In that case, as mentioned above, opt for country-specific extension suitable to your need before domain name registration.

Other Considerations

Sometimes it may be necessary that your domain name reflects your company name. Even so, try grabbing a suitable one, get domain name registration and finally name your company accordingly. Examples like Google and Ebay come immediately to mind. Find one such, do domain name registration and you can over time build a solid brand around your domain name.

Whatever you do, avoid small pitfalls on way to domain name registration. Long and hyphenated domains are not good because they add to confusion. Moreover, people rarely remember them. If it proves too much of a hassle, get help with automated name creating tools at NameBoy, DNwiz and DomainFellow among others.

Domain Name Registration

Many registrars will do domain name registration for you. Big names are GoDaddy, Netfirms and others. Those who offer name creating service (mentioned above) also cater to domain name registration. In most cases, domain name registration includes features like domain parking, domain locking and access to DNS (domain name server) control panel. Charges vary but usually hover around 8 to 9 dollars per top-level domain (.com, .net, .org, etc.) per year. You can choose your domain name registration for as many years you prefer, in which case there may be concessions on your way.

Steps for Domain Name Registration

The process for domain name registration is simple, similar to any online purchase, except that a domain name is virtual and has no real existence until you buy one. That being so, as your first step, inquire if your chosen domain name with the extension you select is available for booking. You would have anyway encountered this before, for how else (if not using domain creating tools) would you know if your chosen name is still not booked!

After you have selected your domain name, you will proceed to make payment. Once over, your domain name registration is complete and you are a step closer to giving shape to your dream website.

Submitted by:

Joshua Mabilia

Joshua Mabilia - admin @ hostingfrenzy.com

Josh is the webmaster of http://www.hostingfrenzy.com

Visit his site for a comprehensive web hosting directory, articles, tools, and much more.



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