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Core and Ab Workout - Articles Surfing

I hope your enjoying your summer! Hard to believe we're half way through another year. Seems like yesterday I was celebrating New Year's Day at a friend's house, watching football and playing about 4 hours of tennis. How are your resolutions going? July is a good time to reflect on those resolutions because the year is only half over. If you've wavered, stop now and go back over them. You can make all your resolutions become reality still, just do it! Have a fun, safe and happy 4th of July!

Here's a good bicep and core routine. Both routines are a little hard to understand. Don't be afraid to highlight, then print them to take to the gym, garage or wherever else your working out.

Biceps - perform 3 sets of the close grip chin-up followed by 3 sets of the dumbbell single arm isometric curl. Rest for 60 seconds after each set. Do as many chin-ups as possible in each set and complete 10-12 reps in each set of curls. Perform this workout twice a week, resting at least 2 days between sessions.

Close grip chin-up - Grab a chin-up bar with an underhand grip, your hands about 6 inches apart. Hang with your arms straight, Keeping your face straight ahead and your elbows pointed down, pull yourself up until the bar is directly under your chin. Then lower yourself to the starting position.

Dumbbell single arm isometric curl - grab a dumbbell in each hand. Curl the weight in your left hand until your elbow is bent 90 degrees. Holding that position, curl the weight in your right hand toward your shoulder, lower it. Complete the required reps while holding your left arm steady at the 90 degree angle. Repeat on the other side.


The workout - do each exercise for the designated reps. Do all five without a rest. Once completed, repeat entire circuit again.

Weighted crunch - Lie on your back, knees bent, holding a plate on your chest. Slowly crunch up, bringing your shoulder blades off the floor. Pause, then return to start position. That's one rep, do 10-15. Please note - if it's too hard to do with a plate, just do regular crunches.

Pulse up - Lie with your hands under your tailbone and your legs extended straight up toward the ceiling. Lift your hips off the floor in a straight line, pause, then lower to start position. That's one rep, do 10-15.

Side Jackknife - Lie on your left side, with your legs with your legs nearly straight and slightly raised off the floor. Also lift your left torso off the floor, with your left forearm on the floor for balance. Hold your other hand behind your right ear, with your elbow pointed below your feet. Lift your legs toward your torso while keeping your torso stationary. Pause, slowly lower your legs to the start position. That's one rep. Do 10-15, then switch sides.

Negative crunch - sit with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. Extend your arms in front of you with your fingers interlaced. Begin with your upper body at slightly less than a 90 degree angle to the floor. Lower your upper body toward the floor, curling your torso forward, rounding your lower back and keeping you abs contracted. When your upper body reaches a 45 degree angle to the floor, return to the start position. That's one rep. Do 10-15

Submitted by:

Rob Denny

Be sure to sign up for our free monthly newsletter at www.got2manup.com. I am a Certified Boxing Fitness Trainer as well as a former United States Marine. I am extremely passionate about working out and helping people achieve their fitness goals. I love to play tennis, exercise, go to Charger and Padre games as well as a nice day at the beach with friends. I am a licensed real estate agent which I am extremely passionate about. Sign up for our free monthly newsletter at http://www.got2manup.com



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