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Could You Look Younger? - Articles Surfing

No matter what your age all wants to look younger always. Here are some tips that will helps you to look younger, feel better and also enjoy your life more.

1. Leading a vital, active life and having a circle of friends can help you feel and look young.

No matter what your age is, a variety of friends can stop you feeling that you are on the sideline of life. This will help you feel young and vital. Keep in touch with family and friends and take time to make new friends. Also, cultivate relationships with younger family members and include them in your activities. Simply by being around younger people can help you feel younger.

2. Looking young can depend on how much well you like yourself.

If you have a good opinion of yourself, you are not only likely to live longer, but to have fewer stress line on your face. You will also be less likely to have accidents or suffer from depression and more apt to want to live longer and feel younger than those who lack self esteem.

3. A suntan can never make you look and feel younger

Sun exposure not only increases the risk of skin cancer, but it also causes skin to age prematurely, and become dry and leathery. If you are going to be in th sun for more than half an hour, always use a sun block cream or lotion.

4. Stress is not beneficial at all because it doesn't means you are leading a vital, active life which is an important factor in looking and feeling young.

Stress is a big enemy of a youthful complexion. It can trigger eczema, warts, adult acne and psoriasis. Many stress related diseases will make you feel old and burnt out, including colitis, ulcers and high blood pressure. If you are concerned that your looks and body may be ageing faster than you want them to, reducing stress is the best way of reversing the process. Scientific research has proved that regular relaxation can slow down the rate at which your internal organs are. So if you have crinkly arteries, then you can be fairly sure that this will be reflected in your face which will also be crinkly and lined with trouble.

5. Exercise will help to keep you fit and also to rejuvenate yourself

Moderate exercise helps you stop getting old before your time, as muscles start to seize up quickly when you are inactive. You would have to go a long way to find something as good as exercise as a fountain of youth. For the average older person who does little more than rapid walking for more than 30 minutes at a time 3 or 4 times a week, it can provide 10 years of rejuvenation.

6. Not enough sleep can make you look and feel old

Insufficient sleep causes dark circles under the eyes and can also cause dry sagging skin. Lack of sleep reduces circulation and narrows tiny blood vessels that feed the skin.

7. Some foods can keep you looking young

Foods high in calcium build up strong bones, which are vital in the battle against looking old. Eat a tub of yogurt a day, plenty of sardines, canned salmon and leafy green vegetables in addition to low fat dairy products.

8. Smoking can age you

Not only is smoking dangerous to your health, consumption of half a packet a day for two years increases the risk of premature wrinkles. The chances of developing wrinkles increases n direct proportion to the heaviness of smoking.

9. Too much water will not give your skin a bloated appearance

water prevents skin from becoming dry and wrinkled. So drink at least 8 glasses daily to keep your skin clear skinned and young looking. But don't rely on carbonated water, as it is high in mineral salts, which encourages fuel retention.

10. Plenty of air is also not good for health.

Until recently the wisdom was that plenty of air was good for skin. Recent studies has proved that air, especially polluted air like smoke, exhaust fumes or industrial gases ' is one of the single most ageing factors.

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