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Dieting And Behavior Modification - Articles Surfing

Let's get back to the very basics

What modern day society tends to forget is that we still have the bodies and physical male-up of our earliest ancestors. Those primitive people were 'hunter/gathers'. They spent most of the day looking for food, eating whatever they came across in the form of roots, berries and if they were very lucky, meat!

Our bodies are very efficient machines in this context. We have evolved to have excellent hand and eye co-ordination, high intelligence, adaptability and we are capable of either the physical effort of sprinting for short distances or being able to cover large distances on foot. Delaware">All these abilities were designed to help us survive and prosper in a primitive 'hunter/gatherer' existence.

Today, in our modern World most of us 'hunt and gather' by going to the local supermarket, or by ordering a pizza from the warmth and comfort of our homes. A lot of our jobs are very sedentary; we operate in air-conditioned offices and factories, with machines doing most of the hard work for us. We now go to the gym, or take part in aerobics or play sports as the modern substitute we used to get on a daily basis. Our bodies are not engaged in 'survival exercise'. We tend to do the minimum physical exercise we can get away with, and this is the problem. A modern diet, high in saturated fat, and little exercise is the reason why so many people gain excessive weight and all the medical problems associated with this condition.

Our bodies have the ability to save excess food as fat, and then we can tap into these stores when we can't find any sustenance. The majority of the population in the Western world rarely find themselves in a situation where they are starving and have little or no access to food. So, our bodies are happy to store fat ' just incase the very worse happens and we need to use these fat stores to keep us alive!

To redress this situation is not something that can happen overnight. This is why diets alone, seldom work. When you limit calorie intake, you are only tackling one problem, which is limiting fuel intake, next you need to burn any excess stored fuel.

The 'Fat Set Point'

Studies have raised the theory that every person has a genetically programmed fat percentage. This is why many people lose weight at 1-2lbs (1kilo) per week dieting and then hit the dreaded 'wall', and find it difficult to lose anymore, no matter what they try! Once you reach your 'set point' the body begins to compensate. It can make you feel hungrier to encourage you to eat more and secondly, the 'metabolic thermostat' or basal metabolic rate (BMR) starts to believe you are starving. As a result your body becomes very fuel efficient, using fewer calories and burning less energy to do the same amount of work as you did before.

Can this be changed?

Yes, it is possible to trick the body into thinking it can operate at a lower body fat set point by engaging in regular exercise (such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming etc). The benefit of aerobic exercise is that you not only burn calories as you exercise but that you stimulate fat metabolism for up to 48 hours after the activity is finished. Actual body fat loss over 2lbs (1kilo) is exceptionally difficult to achieve. There are 7,000 calories in 2lbs (1kilo) of fat. The average person can burn about 1,000 extra calories per week with exercise, a trained sportsperson about 3,500.

Any low calorie diet or 'wonder' system that offers weight loss of 8-10lbs (4-5 kilos) per week ' is likely to see the dieter suffer from a condition known as 'catabolism'. This means muscle tissue is broken down. Insufficient carbohydrates cause 'ketosis', which alters the mineral balance in the body to help regulate the heart and the body's balance of fluids.

The body will then covert its own protein (muscles are made mostly of protein) into energy and your lean tissues diminish. Many 'anorexia nervosa' sufferers have actually been found to have stored fat levels of up to 60% on a body weight of between 85-90lbs (40 kilos).

Behavior modification is the key

Human beings are creatures of habit, we do everything by habit, working, eating, driving, and exercising. Eating can also be affected b your emotional state of mind, so we need to look at some strategies in which we can alter our eating behavior.

1. Be aware of what you eat.

Try keeping a diary for a period of just 4 days and write down everything you eat, portion sizes, who you were eating with, time of the day you ate, and how you were feeling emotionally at the time. This task will show you your eating habits. Do you snack whilst watching TV? Do you nibble whilst preparing food? Do you tend to over eat in restaurants, since you have paid for the meal?

2. Eating triggers

If, you are offered food ' do you always accept it? Do you eat as a result of emotional triggers such as feelings of depression, anxiety, boredom, stress, or loneliness?

3. Psychological verse physiological hunger

If, you answered yes to any of the points above ' do not worry, it's very common. We are surrounded by invitations to eat from television, newspapers, radio and seeing other people eating! What you need to understand is that psychological hunger is not satisfied by food. The only true 'hunger' is the physiological 'pang' from an empty stomach. Recognizing these is important to the serious dieter.

Setting your goals

Now we are past the 3 stages ' we need to set some goals. These can be a desired weight, clothes size or even body fat percentage. Next set short terms goals and a timescale in which to achieve them. Do not set yourself unrealistic goals, always make them achievable. When you reach a goal always make sure you treat yourself with something non fat!

Support systems

Get your friends and family to support you, the more motivation you have the more successful you will be.

Be prepared

Keep some low calorie snacks with you incase you start to succumb to temptation. Do not get too concerned if you slip off the diet ' after all we are human, just make sure you climb back on as soon as possible. Every journey has its bumpy roads and you are making 'lifestyle' changes and it won't happen in a few days ' but could alter the rest of your life!

Submitted by:

Kevin Rymell

Kevin is a Personal Fitness Trainer with over 30 years exepereince in the health and fitness industry. You can learn more about diet, weightloss and exercise at http://www.gymrat-fitness.com



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