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Get To Know The Truth - Articles SurfingI am one of just over 6 billion people on this planet. As a member of our Human race I am told, I am part responsible for a small percentage of our CO2 emission. TRUE! The fact is and this is a widely available statistic that out of the global population *100%*, *Man* (that is the race Man) is responsible for only 5% of the total output of CO2 into the environment. When I say *Man* I mean anything that *Man* does EG. (Industrial, space exploration, heating, eating, fart, breathing, deforestation * Everything) The rest, 95% is what is considered natural phenomenon; precipitation, sun heating the sea etc. CO2 causes Global warning! Al Gore made a movie about it, so it must be true. Yea Right. However, I suggest you NOT take my word for it. Do your own research and find out for yourself. Lets start with the era that we know as the *Climactic optimum*, considered to be a few degrees hotter *Centigrade* than it is today: We have NEVER surpassed these temperatures. Also known as the Holocene Epoch (5000 * 3000 BC), this is at the time the glaciers retreated (melted). Around (3000 * 2000 BC) is estimated by records that there was a cooling of the planet. Because of the cooling and new formation of glaciers the sea receded and the Bahamas appeared. Moving on to (2000 * 1500 BC) we experience a short global warming period. And so we go on 750 BC * 900 AD warming up again but not as high as the Holocene period 3000 * 2000 BC not all the way through though, it lasted till circa 150 BC. The Roman empire 150 BC * 300 AD continually cooling to 900 AD, at its peak 829 AD the Nile froze and also the Black sea 800 * 801 AD. Okay, very interesting however the interesting bit comes when we hit the middle ages (Circa 500 * 1500 AD) during this time 900 * 1200 AD we had a *Little Climactic Optimum* the warmest since the Holocene epoch. It is here where all the nonsense about Global warming FALLS dead on its face. The scientists cannot explain it away, but that's not all. A little later on some clever interfering busy bodies decided, in and around 1800, to start measuring CO2 (Actual CO2) not equivalent or similar, the same CO2 we talk of today and in 1800 the CO2 level was 550 ppm (FACT) (CO2 was measured using the Pettenkofer process a standard analytical method for determining atmospheric carbon dioxide levels with an achieved accuracy of better than 3%. Several scientists of Nobel Prize distinction made these determinations.) Today our CO2 levels are 370 ppm. After the Middle ages HIGH and as we have seen, and this is no exception there was a cooling off. Hold on by my calculations the CO2 was at its highest in 1800 according to current recorded history. We can assume that CO2 grew over a period pretty much matching its decline (bell shaped from 1800 * 1940). In 1800 we didn't have as many motor vehicles and factories or much in the way that we could have suddenly produce this amount of CO2, but we have more of them NOW with less CO2 ppm in our atmosphere. It is estimated that the mean global temperature around 1800 was *0.6 to *0.3 (K) and the CO2 readings were 550 ppm. To me this does not correlate that CO2 produces global warming. As of yet we haven't reached CO2 levels that were measured 200 years ago. If we accept that CO2 doesn't take affect for 200 years in the future as some say it does, and is causing what is happening today, 200 years from now we CAN assume that the temperature will decline because we have less CO2. However I think this is HOG WASH. CO2 does not cause warming, there has to be another reason and I feel it is natural. Oh! Just another note, the current CO2 readings being used in today's figures are mainly from Hawaii * Isn't that area a volcanic area? Wouldn't the readings be high anyway? Final food for thought if the planet is in a global warming phase why is it that ALL the statistics referring to CO2 or a vast majority of them referring to the Northern hemisphere? And why is the southern hemisphere COOLING? We are coming into an era that is as warm even if it might be slightly warmer than the middle ages, this means good crop growth, less poverty, more population activity, less use of fossil fuels on heating etc. I can understand that a certain group of companies would be VERY unhappy by this. Don't you!
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