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Indiana UFO Invasion - Articles Surfing

UFOs being chased by military jets has become a common theme in the USA other the past year. In all of these cases the jets almost immediately dropped flairs to cover up what was, obviously, a far more interesting mission. If any comments were forthcoming from the military, they merely stated that any military aircraft seen in the area were on training missions.

When most people think of UFOs being chased by jets, they think of the Stephenville and Erath County, Texas, events that took place in January of 2008. In that case, recently released FAA radar reports show that unidentified objects were tracked along with military jets and that at least one may have violated presidential airspace over the Bush Ranch in Crawford, Texas. However, incidents like that one have taken place on numerous occasions in Indiana as well.

The Indiana incidents began on April 15, 2008, when a number of people living in the northern Indiana towns of Kokomo and Logansport reported seeing strange lights in their skies and the presence of military jets over the next two nights. They also heard what sounded like a huge explosion, followed by the appearance of a giant fireball and debris falling from the sky.

Some said the debris looked like *spider webs* and resembled a phenomenon known as Angel Hair, a sometimes radioactive substance which has appeared after UFO sightings and landings throughout the years. Most of the material melted or vanished later in the day. The sightings and jet chases were reported over two nights. A military spokesperson later told concerned citizens that the jets were on training exercises and attributed the other events to the dropping of flares.

New sightings of UFOs being chased by military jets occurred recently near Lake Shafer and Peru, Indiana. The sightings began on July 23, 2008 in the Indiana beach area near Lake Shafer. One witness named Joe provided this report to me:

*We had seen some strange lights while we were leaving Indiana Beach on Lake Shaffer. It was on Wednesday, July 23,2008, at about 10:15. I taped some of the objects, but the only things you can see is when they would "flare up" and get really bright. When we first seen them, their was 3 of them and they were arranged in a triangle shape. Later 2 others joined them and they lined up in a straight line. Unfortunately, I never got video of them grouped together or of them darting around and zooming from the east to the west of us in a about 2 seconds. I did get some video of one of the objects directly above us and one to the east of us as they flared up.*

*None of these objects made any sounds. The only sound we heard was when a military jet flew over us and headed towards the objects. The objects disappeared and never returned after a short chase by the military jet. As we were driving home my sons mom called him to see if we had seen the strange lights in the sky. She lives in Rochester, Indiana which is about 40 miles from where we were at. She said she was on the lake on her boat and noticed the lights darting around and flaring up.*

The fact that the lights formed into triangles is significant. A number of UFO sightings have recently occurred in the USA, the UK and Canada involving strange lights that have formed into triangles. Some of these cases also involve military intervention by jets and helicopters. The Indiana sightings continued on July 24, 2008, as reported by a witness named Chris:

*It happened Thursday July 24th 2008... I live in Peru Indiana , my wife and a few people were sitting outside last night around 10:30 pm. My wife came in saying they saw a UFO. They said it looked like a ball of fire. Shortly after, I would say 10 or 15 minutes later, about 10 jets started flying around where it was seen. The jets started dropping flares. But the people that saw the " ball of fire" said it didn't look the same as what they saw about 10 minutes earlier. The witnesses were all females and kids and they were clearly shaken by what they saw. The jets continued to fly around the area for hours afterwards.*

While all this was going on, another report came in from a person named Diane. She was driving between Lafayette and Monticello, Indiana on July 24, 2008 and sent me this report:

*I heard a lot of noise that sounded like jet engines* They were really low. I stopped at a gas station to take a look and seen jets everywhere. It was between nine and ten at night and they were chasing this big bright light that glowed red and yellow. I guess all this was happening miles away from me in the sky but it looked closer. I was at a gas station and everyone was looking at all this. When I went inside the cashier said that he thought it was a UFO and everyone in there said the same thing* I stopped somewhere between Brookston and Monticello.*

In addition to the previous report which mentioned UFOs seen in the Rochester area, this one came in from Grant:

*I heard you on Coast to Coast and wanted to report a bright light I seen near Main Street and 31 on the 24th (7/24/08) in Rochester* The light looked like a spotlight they use for store openings and I saw jets around it at 11pm. My kid was with me and he got scared* I called my wife and asked if she seen it. We live near Fulton Avenue across town and she said the light was high in the sky above our house* She didn't see the jets but heard them.*

Thank you to all those that provided reports about these significant events. If you saw something similar, please visit my website and file a report. I made several calls and sent emails to regional military commands to request an explanation or statement on these events, but have received none as of this writing. The Midwest has a long history of UFO sightings and this year seems to be a busy one.

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Submitted by:

Bill Knell

Bill Knell is a popular paranormal author, speaker and consultant. Author's Website: UFOguy.com Terms To Use Article: Permission is granted to use this article for free online or in print with inclusion of the author's url.



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